Pratt Lake to Denny Creek Trail Report
August 28, 2010
Location: Pratt Lake to Denny Creek (Trails #1007, #1011, and #1014)
Region: Snoqualmie Pass - North Bend Area; Agency: Mount Baker - Snoqualmie NF
Guide Books and Maps:
Green Trails Maps #206 & #207
Question for Week 34
Which look is better, A or B?
Get out there!
Powered by adventure, supported by Superfeet, fueled by Feed the Machine, Hydrated by nuun.
Wednesday Night Worlds Finals
Tonight was the last race of the year at the Wednesday Night Worlds held at North SeaTac. It was my first time going all year, which in itself is sad and an indication of my different goals for the year.
I felt pretty good after last night…
The Pines
For the last 12 days I spent my days relaxing at The Pines Lodge near Grand Lake Stream in the wilds of Maine. The Lodge and cabins, some of which date back to the 1800s, are located on the 9 mile long Lake Sysladobsis in Washington County…
Top Ten Hiking Essentials
Top Ten Things to Bring on a Hike:
1. Map
2. Compass (actually know how to use it)
3. Water (and a way to purify it)
4. First aid kit (be sure to include an extra day of any medication you are taking or might need in…
Training for StoS
First off your probably wondering what StoS is. It's the abbreviation I made up for Stevens to Snoqualmie Pass. One of my big goals for 2010 is to fastpack the 72 miles from Stevens to Snoqualmie Pass in one shot. Yes, that's a big bite…
5 ounce Repair Kit
In this video I will show you how to make your own 5 ounce repair kit as seen in Backpacker Magazines April 2010 Gear Guide on page 116. I added a few items and throw in tips on how to use the items and how to use items you already have with…
De Roux Deuxième Partie, Ride Recap
August 8, 2010
After a great sleep in the Alaskan camper, James and I got a late start. We didn't get up until about 8 am then we leisurely got ready for ride number two on the weekend. I had picked a short 16 mile ride with hopefully not…
De Roux, Deuxième Partie Trail Report
August 8, 2010
Location: De Roux CG, Trail 1383, Trail 1392, Trail 1392.1 and Trail 1392.
Snoqualmie Pass -- Salmon La Sac/Teanaway; Cle Elum Ranger District
Guide Books and Maps:
Green Trails Map #209
De Roux Trail Report
August 7, 2010
Location: Boulder - De Roux Trail 1392, 4W301, Lake Fish Road, Road 138
Snoqualmie Pass -- Salmon La Sac/Teanaway; Cle Elum Ranger District
Guide Books and Maps:
Green Trails map Kachess Lake #208 & #209
NW Trail Pass Required