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Tour Divide Planning Aids

Welcome to The Project’s Planning Aids, designed to bridge the gap left by the lack of high-quality planning tools within bikepacking. As a Triple Crown thru-hiker, I’m accustomed to comprehensive planning resources, and I noticed that bikepacking needed similar quality tools. That’s why I developed these resources to make your Tour Divide adventure as smooth and well-prepared as possible.

Our planning aids include four distinct styles to help you plan your ride. The Data Sheet offers the most detailed information, including distance, elevation changes, average grade, and notes on key points between locations, along with references to ACA maps, bike shops, and resupply options. The Town List provides cumulative distances between points of interest, making it easy to see how far you are from various locations without calculating it yourself. The Mileage Chart and Elevation Gain Chart are simple graphs showing cumulative mileage and elevation gain between key points along the route. Each tool serves a unique purpose to support your planning and navigation.

Explore our offerings to find the perfect combination for your needs and get ready to conquer the Tour Divide! Don’t forget to checkout our online Tour Divide Resources as well.

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Craig, I wanted to let you know that your bikepacking guides are incredibly well done and useful.

Jerry O.


Small Bundles:

Big Bundles:

One package including our two most popular planning aids:

  • Data Sheet
  • Town List

One package with all our planning aids:

  • Data Sheet
  • Town List
  • Mileage Chart
  • Elevation Gain Chart

Available in both SOBO and NOBO versions and US Standard and Metric units.

Small Bundle – $40.00 + tax (CO only) *You save $10 when you bundle!

Big Bundle – $60.00 + tax (CO only) *You save $20 when you bundle!

Data Sheets and Town Lists

Data Sheets:

Town Lists:

The NOBO Data Sheets are ONLY available as part of the Small or Big Bundles.

All versions of the Town Lists are ONLY available as part of the Small or Big Bundles.

Data Sheet includes:
  • Key POI.
  • Elevation / Pop of POI.
  • Mileage numbers.
  • Distance to next.
  • Elevation +/-.
  • Max & Min. elevation between POI.
  • Pavement sections.
  • Key water sources.
  • Shows bike shops.
  • Resupply options.
  • Important notes.
  • Elevation profile.
  • Finish Target Times.
Town List includes:
  • Key POI.
  • Mileage.
  • Distance on/off trail.
  • Important notes about POI.
  • Cumulative distances to up coming POI.
  • Elevation Gain to reach up coming POI.
  • Key water sources.
  • Shows bike shops.
  • Finish Target Times added.

The SOBO Data Sheets are available in BOTH US Standard and Metric units.

Data Sheet – $25 + Tax (CO only)

Example of Data Sheet

Tour Divide SOBO Data Sheet Example bikepacking guides planning aids

Example of Town List

Tour Divide SOBO Town List Example bikepacking guides planning aids

Differences Between the Data Sheet and Town List

The Data Sheet provides the most comprehensive information, including details on distance, elevation changes (both gain and loss), average grade, and maximum/minimum elevations. It also highlights pavement sections, references ACA maps, and lists bike shops and resupply options. Additionally, it includes key notes on the segments between two points of interest (e.g., from A to B, then B to C).

In contrast, the Town List focuses on cumulative distances between points of interest, helping you quickly determine how far you are from various locations without needing to calculate it yourself. It includes distance, elevation changes, resupply options, bike shops, and key notes for each segment.

Mileage Charts and Elevation Gain Charts

Mileage Charts:

Elevation Gain Charts:

Quickly find the total mileage between any two POI along the route.

  • Shows bike shops.
  • Works for both directions.
  • Key water sources.

Quickly find the total elevation gain between any two POI along the route.

  • Shows bike shops.
  • Easy to read format.
  • Key water sources.

The Mileage and Elevation Gain Charts are ONLY available as part of the Big Bundle.

Tour Divide SOBO Mileage Chart EXAMPLE bikepacking guides planning aids
Tour Divide Elevation Gain Chart EXAMPLE bikepacking guide planning aids


Data Sheets:


GDMBR Data Sheets have all the same data categories as the Tour Divide planning aids, as seen in the examples above but are for the GDMBR from the ACA.

GDMBR Bundles have all the same data categories as the Tour Divide planning aids, as seen in the examples above but are for the GDMBR from the ACA.

Available in both SOBO and NOBO versions and in US Standard and Metric units.

Data Sheet – $25 + tax (CO only)

Small Bundle – $40.00 + tax (CO only) *You save $10 when you bundle!

Big Bundle – $60.00 + tax (CO only) *You save $20 when you bundle!

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