Freund Canyon Trail Report
May 22, 2011
Location: Leavenworth, WA
Getting there:
Head north on Chumstick Road out of Leavenworth.
At 1.5 - 2 miles turn left on Freund Creek road, it you go under the railroad underpass, you've gone too far.
Park at end of road where…

Freund Canyon Ride Report
Last Sunday my buddy Mike and I decided that upon learning that the Indie Series race wasn't in Port Gamble but Port Angeles and the weather looked iffy we should make the drive to Leavenworth and ride Freund Canyon. Mike enjoys the race which…

Are you a rabbit chaser?
Do you chase rabbits? Do your friends call you Sea Biscuit? If they do then you know what Im about to talk about. You could be a runner, cyclist, hiker or any other type of athlete. You go out for a ride and there in the distance a flash…

Squamish, BC Day 2
Today was day 2 of James and my re con of the Test of Metal (T.O.M). We rode what would be the second half of the race. If your not familiar with the TOM, it's a 67k/ 42 mile mountain bike race with 35k of single track. There's something…

Squamish, BC Day 1
Today I took the day off and I was in Vancouver, BC. I made the drive to Squamish, BC with my old roommate James to check out the trails there. It was pissing down rain most of the way to the trail but we only encountered a slight amount…