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CDT – Day 119 – Base of Climb M2678.3 to Trail Side Ditch M2709

8/21/15 Day 119 - Base of Climb M2678.3 to Trail Side Ditch M2709, 6265' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 30.7,  2428.0 Trip Miles Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 42 - Days of Hail: 19 6:00am to 8:14 pm # of Zero days: 12 Gila Crossings…
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CDT – Day 118 – Trail Side Camp M2656 to Base of Climb M2678.3

8/20/15 Day 118 - Trail Side Camp M2656 to Base of Climb M2678.3, 6137' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 22.3,  2397.3 Trip Miles Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 42 - Days of Hail: 19 6:00am to 8:14 pm # of Zero days: 12 Gila Crossings…
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CDT – Day 117 – Trail Side Camp M2623 to Trail Side Camp M2656

8/19/15 Day 117 - Trail Side Camp M2623 to Trail Side Camp M2656, 6349' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 33,  2375.0 Trip Miles Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 42 - Days of Hail: 19 6:10 am to 7:45 pm # of Zero days: 12 Gila Crossings…
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CDT – Day 116 – Anaconda M2501.1 to Trail Side Camp M2623

8/18/15 Day 116 - Anaconda M2501.1 to Trail Side Camp M2623  , 8019' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 34.4,  2342.0 Trip Miles Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 42 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 12 Gila Crossings Final Total:  221 Tick…
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CDT – Day 115 – Anaconda M2501.1

8/17/15 Day 115 - Anaconda M2501.1 , 5279' Motel  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 0,  2307.6 Trip Miles Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 42 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 12 Gila Crossings Final Total:  221 Tick Count: 4 (4 more crawling…
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CDT – Day 114 – Goat Flat M2473.8 to Anaconda M2501.1

8/16/15 Day 114 - Goat Flat M2473.8 to Anaconda M2501.1 , 5279' Motel  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 27.3,  2307.6 Trip Miles 6 am to 3:30 pm Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 42 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 11 Gila Crossings Final…
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CDT – Day 113 – Sawed Cabin Lake M2443.3 to Goat Flat M2473.8

8/15/15 Day 113 - Sawed Cabin Lake M2443.3 to Goat Flat M2473.8 , 9223' Cowboy Camp  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 30.5,  2280.3 Trip Miles 6 am to 8:00 pm Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 41 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 11 Gila…
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CDT – Day 112 – Burn Area M2411.7 to Sawed Cabin Lake M2443.3

8/14/15 Day 112 - Burn Area M2411.7 to Sawed Cabin Lake M2443.3 , 8499' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 31.6,  2249.8 Trip Miles 6:11 to 8:00 pm Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 41 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 11 Gila Crossings…
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CDT – Day 111 – Junction of Dirt Roads M2393.9 to Burn Area M2411.7

8/13/15 Day 111 - Junction of Dirt Roads M2393.9 to Burn Area M2411.7, 7541' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 17.8,  2218.2 Trip Miles 6:03 to 8:20 pm Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 40 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 11 Gila…
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CDT – Day 110 – Trailside Camp M2362.9 to Junction of Dirt Roads M2393.9

8/12/15 Day 110 - Trailside Camp M2362.9 to Junction of Dirt Roads M2393.9 7900' Tent  - Nights Spent Alone: 15 31,  2200.4 Trip Miles 6:03 to 8:30 pm Day's of Snow: 9 - Day's of Rain: 40 - Days of Hail: 19 # of Zero days: 11 Gila…