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CDT – Day 102 – Camp at Salamander Lake M2148.5 to Lima M2172.3

8/4/15 Day 102 – Camp at Salamander Lake M2148.5 to Lima M2172.3 6669′

Motel  – Nights Spent Alone: 15

23.8, 1975.8 Trip Miles
Sunny and some rain

6:43 to 2:30pm

Day’s of Snow: 8 – Day’s of Rain: 36 – Days of Hail: 17

# of Zero days: 11

Gila Crossings Final Total:  221

Tick Count: 4 (4 more crawling on me)

Wanted List

Mountain Goat

Grizzly Bear


Black Bear

Bighorn Sheep


Mountain Lion

Beaver – SPOTTED




Critter Count

4 Chipmunks

1 Whistle Pig


1) 613 Pronghorn*

2) 384 Elk*7

3) 263 Chipmunks *5

4) 172 Deer*2

5) 153 Marmot*4

6) 120 Lizards*6

7) 116 Wild Horses

8) 92 Squirrels *9

9) 60 Ground Squirrels*10

10) 54 Pika

11) 46 Cotton Tail Rabbits *8

12) 30 Prairie Dogs

13) 22 Horny Toads

14) 17 Jack Rabbit*3

15) 14 Moose

16) 8 Snakes

17) 5 Coyotes

18) 5 Moles

19) 4 Porcupine

20)  2 Fox

21) 2 Rattle Snakes

22) 2 Toads

23) 1Beaver

24) 1 Badger

25) 1 Mouse

26) 1 Skunk

27) 1 Weasel

*259 from car, *2 – 48 from car, *3 – 1 from car, *4 – 2 from car, *5 – 1 off trail, *6 – 1 off trail, *7 – 9 from car, *9 – 1 from car, *10 – 5 off trail

I woke to rain which had been coming down most of the night. I slept in hoping it would pass. Finally I gave up on this idea and started to pack up. No more than 20 seconds after I got out of the tent the rain stopped.

The hike into town involved two climbs. One was larger and mellow the other steep, straight up and shorter. I got rained on during the later. Luckily the sun came out and really got warm.

Mike from the Mountain View Motel picked me up curb side on the interstate. Once to the motel it was logistics and socializing with other hikers. I talked with Lot (who I last saw in Ghost Ranch), Toast (who I last saw at the Toaster House), K2 and Ridge Runner (Battle Pass), Dufrane, and Otter. I also saw Yukon a SOBO and Tails, Chaps and dog Skeeter (Doc Campbell’s) on trail.

I ate at Jan’s Diner with Lot. Had myself a tasty burger and cheese sticks. After dinner it was more hanging out, packing and snacking.


Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor Research, SuperFeet, Ibex, Julbo, Petzl, Dude Wipes, Platypus, ClifBar, Feed The Machine, and Aqua Mira


Get out there!

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