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CDT – Day 56 – M1677.3 High Lonesome Trail to Cabin Creek

6/19/15 Day 56, M1677.3 High Lonesome Trail to Cabin Creek 9837′

Tent – Nights Spent Alone: 7

12.1, 1040.1 Trip Miles


Day’s of Snow: 7 – Day’s of Rain: 18 – Days of Hail: 10

# of Zero days: 5

7:27 am to 3:23 pm

Gila Crossings Final Total:  221

Tick Count: 4 (4 more crawling on me)

Critter Count

2 Chipmunks


530 Pronghorn*

167 Elk

119 Lizards

116 Wild Horses

104 Chipmunks

71 Deer**

37 Cotton Tail Rabbits

35 Ground Squirrels

27 Squirrels

26 Prairie Dogs

22 Horny Roads

17 Jack Rabbit***

10 Moose

8 Snakes

4 Marmot****

4 Coyotes

4 Moles

2 Rattle Snakes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Weasel

1 Porcupine

1 Fox

*181 from car, **3 from car, ***1 from car, ****2 from car

Today was short. This was be design. With so many thunder & lightening storms lately we didn’t want to start the up coming exposed ridge in the afternoon. We’re (Rafiki, Seth and Genny) about 1.5 miles below the Devil’s Thumb Pass.

Tomorrow we will get up and be walking by 5 am. The hope is for us guys to hike the 18 miles to Berthoud Pass while Genny hikes another way to meet her brother. Later they will pick us up.

The ridge will mean us going over multiple 13er’s and lots of exposed ridge walking. We’re hoping the ridges are free of snow at least on one side of the ridge.

Today started with a long climb and tons of mosquitoes. I also dropped the camp to my water bottle in a stream and lost it while getting water. I did better with drinking water but still need to drink more. The ridge tomorrow will mean carrying a lot of water. I don’t think there will be much.

We walked through many parks (open fields) today and pine forests. No large critters at all. Just two chippers. Not much else to tell. As we’re getting up early I’m going to bed at 8 pm. Five minutes from now.


Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor Research, SuperFeet, Ibex, Julbo, Petzl, Dude Wipes, Platypus, ClifBar and Aqua Mira


Get out there!

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