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CDT – Day 57 – Cabin Creek M1689.4 to Road Side Camp

6/20/15 Day 57, Cabin Creek M1689.4 to Road Side Camp 9403′

Tent – Nights Spent Alone: 7

19.1, 1059.2 Trip Miles

Sunny w/ strong winds

Day’s of Snow: 7 – Day’s of Rain: 18 – Days of Hail: 10

# of Zero days: 5

5 am to 5:30 pm

Gila Crossings Final Total:  221

Tick Count: 4 (4 more crawling on me)

Critter Count

7 PIKA !!!

3 Marmots

1 Cotton Tail


530 Pronghorn*

167 Elk

119 Lizards

116 Wild Horses

104 Chipmunks

71 Deer**

38 Cotton Tail Rabbits

35 Ground Squirrels

27 Squirrels

26 Prairie Dogs

22 Horny Roads

17 Jack Rabbit***

10 Moose

8 Snakes

7 Pika

7 Marmot****

4 Coyotes

4 Moles

2 Rattle Snakes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Weasel

1 Porcupine

1 Fox

*181 from car, **3 from car, ***1 from car, ****2 from car

Today was a bitch of a day. The climbs were so steep! That said the views were the best of the trip so far.

We started up Devils Thumb Pass, traversed up and down passing through Rollins Pass to James Peak. James Peak is the highest point on the trail for me at 13,307′. After lunch on James we navigated a semi tough knifes edge to Bancroft Peak, then Parry’s Peak, then Mt. Eva and finally Mt. Flora.  It was only 19 miles but it felt like double that.

Physically these peaks kicked my ass. They also kick my mental state too. I was very emotional all day. The views from the ridge had me on the verge of tears most of the day.

The view south was one of lots of snow but it was breath taking.


Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor Research, SuperFeet, Ibex, Julbo, Petzl, Dude Wipes, Platypus, ClifBar and Aqua Mira


Get out there!

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