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PCT 2007 Day 38 – Sandy wash – Warner Springs, CA

PCT 2007 Day 38

Day 38 / 5-2-07  Hotel (Warner Springs Ranch)
Sandy wash – Warner Springs
22.9 (2) miles; 109.6 (2) total miles; 1944.9 trip miles
Sunny; 80-90; windy
NOTE:  () indicate the road walked miles

Last night I decided to put up the tarp, and it was a bad choice. The wind was so strong all night that it kept pulling the stakes loose even though they had rocks on them. I had to get up at 10 and 11 o’clock to re-adjust the tarp to stop it from making so much noise. I was so worried about the tarp blowing down I couldn’t sleep. I finally fell asleep from 11 PM till 1 AM then I woke up again, next stop was my alarm at 4:30 AM.

We hit the trail in the dark with our headlamps on. We had a climb for the first 4 miles or so. At the water cache we found that it was full of water and a lot of the people we stayed with at Rodriguez were there as well.

After that it was more climbing and traversing around the San Felipe Hills. We finally had a long descent to Barrel Spring. Just like with the ascent, you have to wind your way down hitting every wash along the way. Right before we got to the spring, we kept seeing this red ribbon tied to plants along the trail. It wasn’t until after 10 minutes or more I saw a sign that was upside down. It read, “poison oak”. I flipped it over and drew an arrow. Later down the trail there was a new sign saying poison oak but it would have been nice if there was one at the top where the ribbon started.

We had lunch at the spring with Bull, City Girl, Foots a Flame, Walk it Off, and Easy. It was nice and shaded under some oak trees.

Once we left the spring, we hit open low country side with little or no shade. As we traveled through one of the many open fields, we saw a bunch of horses leaving a rock formation. I thought nothing of it then I started to think we should be seeing Eagle Rock, a stone pile that looks like an eagle with out stretched wings. We went up to the formation and took some pictures but knew we had to keep moving. It was really hot but the wind was super strong.

We had another nine miles or so to get to town so we moved on. We had more open fields to walk through before we finally got some shade along the San Ysidro Creek. We crossed under Rt. 79 and then crossed one more open field before reaching Rt. 79 again. We attempted to hitch into Warner Springs but no one stopped. Wounded Knee and Ultra Bright both had packages to get at the PO and we just made it by 4 PM when they closed. Wounded Knee had to run but he did it. He has really bad blisters on the balls of his feet so running was no small feat.

We found my parents and got a second room to fit us all. Even though we split the second room by 3, I stayed with my folks. After cleaning up, we went to dinner and feasted.
Wounded Knee, Ultra Bright (U.B.) and I hung out and did logistics for a while; then U.B. and I went to the hot spring. She just soaked her feet but I went in. It was really nice to soak in the hot water. It’s a sulfur bath so it smells funny and leaves you feeling oily. Oh, so worth it though. After that it was bed time for everyone.

MESSAGE FROM SCATMAN’S PARENTS:  Scatman (Craig), Ultra Bright and Wounded Knee got to the ranch at 4 PM none the worst for the wear after 100+ miles of hiking. Jim and I feel more reassured that the determination Craig had while hiking the AT in 2001 is in place for the PCT, which is good because we are to return to the east coast.

We wish the best weather, hiking conditions and zero days for each and every hiker.


Get Out There!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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