Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

Wiseman to Arctic Circle – Day 5

07.05.12 Day 5 Wiseman to Arctic Circle 75.4 miles, 330.4 trip miles 10.4 avg mph, 49 max 7:25:19 ride time Almost 85% gravel Rain in am, sunny, Day 2 of rain It's now 12:28 am I'm just starting my journal. What a long day. With the sun being…
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

Gravel Pit to Wiseman – Day 4

07.04.12 Day 4 Gravel Pit to Wiseman 76.92miles, 242 trip miles 10 avg mph, 30.3 max 7:07:03 ride time Almost 90% gravel Rain off/on, some sun, 50? Day 1 of rain I started my morning by poking Mike in the eye a few times as I slept. I recall…
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

Ice Cut to Gravel Pit – Day 3

07.03.12 Day 3 Ice Cut to Gravel Pit 65.35 miles, 165 trip miles 9.0 avg mph, 49.1 max 7:14:47 ride time Almost 98% gravel 70's ?? Today was a bitch! The first two days spoiled us. By that I mean the road was in good condition and relatively…
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

Franklin Bluff to Ice Cut – Day 2

07.02.12 Day 2 Franklin Bluffs to Ice Cut 63.56 miles, 100 trip miles 10.8 avg mph, 36.4 max 5:50:38 ride time Almost 80% gravel Wow! I was tired last night. I was asleep in no time at all. The first time I woke up my side was numb from not…
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

Dead Horse to Franklin Bluff – Day 1

07.01.12 Day 1 31 Miles, 36.45 trip miles 11 avg mph Dead Horse - Franklin Bluffs Sunny 40-50 Our day started at 9 pm yesterday when we left for the airport. I slept some but with three planes and insanely loud announcements sleep was hard…
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

Follow me

Here are ways you can follow me on my newest adventure that starts this Saturday, June 30th. The first arrow indicates my Spot map.  This map once active will show my current position.  I will start recording my position on Saturday June…
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources

lunch case

Stanley Nineteen13 Lunchcase $20 (purchase here)   Test Period: 6+ months Field Tester: Scatman The Stanley Nineteen13 Lunchcase is your modern day lunch box from when you were a kid.  Yeah it lacks Batman or Spiderman graphics…
Craig Fowler packs of the triple crown - Cutting Pack Weight. hiking resources
Hiking Cook Set up
Dirty-feet- How to Prevent and Treat Blisters. hiking resources