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CDT – Day 10 – Corral to Doc Campbell’s

5/4/15, Day 10, Cowboy Camp

Corral to Doc Campbell’s

15.2, 189.9 Trip Miles

Sunny, 80’s, Day 3 of Rain

7:30 to 3 pm

55 Gila Crossings, 60 Total

Critter Count
5 LizardI’m
2 Deer


80 Lizrads

9 Horny Roads

5 Deer

5 Jack Rabbit

4 Snakes

3 Cotton Tail Rabbits

1 Toad

1 Mouse

Once again sleep proved difficult. I woke up many times during the night. The am was was a wet one as it rained off and on during the night and the condensation was terrible.

Everything took longer than normal and I started late. I was okay with it as I knew it would be a short day.


The river isn’t as cold as I thought it would be. The deepest I got was a few inches from my crotch. If you looked around you could avoid the deep holes. It didn’t take long to learn that once you crossed the river the trail would be as far away from the water as possible next to the cliffs.

The appeared to be poison ivy everywhere and a tree that looks like it too. I avoid both like the plague.

I saw some bear tracks in the sand.

Walking is painful but not like before. You either walk on river rock, fine beach sand or a combination of both but in knee deep water.

The day wasn’t long so I stopped at a sand bar in the middle of the river and dried all my damp gear. It didn’t take long as the sun is still intense. My lunch break would have been longer but the afternoon thunderstorms were moving in. I packed up fast and tried to beat it but I couldn’t. Luckily it didn’t last long.


I got to Doc Campbell’s Post at around 2:30 or 3 pm. I would spend the next hour going through my food boxes trying to trim down the weight. My menu is messed up and it’s my fault.

I did enjoy just one Coke while I went through my food. While I was there I met ED (Easily Distracted) and Night Crawler. They both left for the campground down by the hot springs. A little while after Berlin Bear, Tails, Skeeter and Hot Springs showed up just in time to get food at the store.

Lumber was not so lucky. He showed up after the store was closed. He ended up staying there with me. We poached the porch. I slept next to and ice box and Lumber did the same.

A skunk came by after I went to be. I happened to wake up just at the right time to see him. His/her tail was huge!

I’m not sure why I didn’t sleep well.  Everyone once in a while sleep would escape me, even on nights where I was exhausted.  Almost like I was too tired.

The day was magical.  Hiking through a canyon with a easy flowing river, high cliff walls, and lush vegetation was such a treat compare to the desert.  What I learn on trails like this every landscape is filled with beautiful, you just have to be open to seeing it.

I learned quickly the order of the day.  Dry feet, cross a river, wet feet, repeat many times, stop and empty pebbles from shoes, find trail, and repeat until sundown.

Back to Day 9, Forward to Day 11


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