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CDT – Day 4 – South Uhl Draw

5/28/15, Day 4 – Hampton Inn

South Uhl Draw to Lordsburg
20.7, 84.7 Trip Miles

Mostly Sunnt, 80’s Windy 

6:30 to 5:10 pm

Critter Count

2 Snakes

1 Jack Rabbit


14 Lizrads

6 Horny Roads

3 Jack Rabbit

3 Snakes

The moon was bright last night. I slept fairly well and was up by 5:50 am. I would get up earlier but it’s too dark to see the signs you’re supposed to follow. 


The trail at times is a faint line from footprints others times it non existing in grass (my mind goes right to snakes), rock gardens or it’s just doesn’t exist. It goes something like this: you get to a sign, stop look around for the next one. You either see it or you don’t. If you don’t you just walk straight from the sign you’re at. I swear I’ve looked at the same spot two or three times and seen no sign then the fourth it’s like someone stood it up when you weren’t looking. There is no consistency to the distance between them either. 

Today was filled with more sun and wind. Lots of wind. No umbrella was possible and I figured out in the shower I burnt the top of my head. It’s not like I have a bald spot back there. The sun is that intense.  My feet still hurt a lot at times. It’s hard to not thinking about them when they hurt like they do. 


The day was uneventful at best until I got to mile 77 a water cache. As I approached the cache an older gentleman met me there. I had saw his car on the road but didn’t see him approaching. He told me his name was Apple. He had water and snacks at his at his car. Not seeing his jacket that said in big letters on the back CDT Trail Angel I was skeptical at first. It’s amazing how someone offering kindness can frighten us or make us question their motives in today’s world. 


As we approached the SUV he told me to go aron d to the other side of the car. I admit my mind thought “His partner was waiting there to stab me!” Apple was a true angel. He had soda, Gatorade, water, chips, hot dogs, Hostees including Ding Dons and powdered donuts. I spent almost two hours sitting, yes sitting in a chair talking with him. It’s people like Apple that give you hope that society isn’t going to hell. The beauty is I don’t even know his real name or him mine. Just two like souls sitting on a dirt road in southern New Mexico. 

Today was a long day of exposure, sun and wind where the only two things on the menu.  Most of my thoughts were of getting to town.  Being the first one I was really looking forward to it.

My stop with Apple was wonderful.  To sit in a chair with a back on it made my day.  Apple and his oasis was a great break.

I left Apple just after Beads showed up.  I choose the road walk over the hilly and less direct CDT into town.  As I was close to town I had cell service which I used to send lots of texts and place a few calls.  First world pleasures?

Back to Day 3, Forward to Day 5


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