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PCT 2007 Day 63 – Above Waterfall Canyon – Robin Bird Spring

PCT 2007 Day 63

Day 63 / 5-27-07 Cowboy Camp 6220′
Above Waterfall Canyon – Robin Bird Spring
26.6 miles; 602.2 total miles (12.4); 2677.7 trip miles
80’s; sunny

Last night was another good nights sleep. It was a good thing, since we had a big day today. I wish we could do less miles but the water sources dictate where you must go.
We started with a descent on a jeep road and stayed on it for a while. We passed more windmills and we also passed Rosewell. She passed us back when I stopped the group for a snack next to some windmills.

We reached Golden Oak Spring and met Megan and Eddie there. We all hung out for a while getting water and eating snacks. My group left and the plan was to stop at 12 for lunch. I found the third tick on me today before lunch then found one on my pad during lunch. I found a shady spot but it had no breeze and it was super hot. We had lunch for a while and when I found the tick I had to leave even though it was still hot as hell.

I caught Wounded Knee who left before me and we hung out to have a snack. Not too far up the trail I frighten a couple of cows. I also saw some bunnies, horny toad, lizards, and two snakes. The trail climbed from the 5500′ from where we had the snacks at to over 6000′. Both Wounded Knee and I were so tired during the climbs. All these miles and carrying of water is tiring me out. I lost Wounded Knee on the final climb then waited on a dirt road but he was more tired then me, so I kept going since I was only 2 miles or so from camp. I had to climb these beat up logging roads and was looking for a left turn where the road turned sharply to the right. I caught an older gentleman named Wounded Face and he thought we were lost. I could still see the boot prints of the same hikers I had been following all day so I told him we weren’t lost. Sure enough two turns later, I found the trail off to the left. It was only a mile to the spring after that.

At the spring I met Robo Cop and Billy Goat (not the legendary one). I cooked a great dinner of Chicken Lipton, black bean soup mix, garlic, Mexican seasoning, and Bumble Bee’s SW Style Chicken. It was so good. I took a whore’s bath after dinner and then it was off to bed.

My left foot hurts at the knuckle behind the big toe. By knuckle I mean that bony protrusion behind the toe. I think it’s from the shoes being a little too small and my feet being swollen. I soaked my foot under the spring water since it was pretty cold.

Tomorrow is set to be another long day and Wounded Knee says one of the worst sections of trail. The whole section from Tehachapi to Kennedy Meadows is crappy. It’s hot, waterless, and doesn’t have much shade. Oh so much fun!

Scatman 2011- The final climb I recall clearly.  When I first got to it I wasn’t sure which was to go.  Unfortunately I had to go up and up and up.  Like usually it was relentless but so was my forward motion and determination to get to the spring and eat dinner.  I also recall finding the tick at lunch.  I was not ready to start hiking again but the thought of lying there where I knew there were ticks just gave me the willies.  I had to move on regardless of my physical state or the heat.  I hate those little bastards.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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