Day 161 9-2-07 Motel
Larrabee State Park, WA Freeland, WA
70.18 miles; 210.81 (88.96) total miles; 4720.41 trip miles
60’s, Mostly cloudy with sun
Days camped alone 32
12.0 avg mph; 32.9 max; 5:48:31

2007 PCT Critter Tour General Category
1- Marmot count is 170
2- Deer count is 135
3- Pika count is 85
4- Elk count is 65
5- Goat count is 21
6- Slug count is 18
7- Bear count is 7
8- Rattlesnake count is 6
9- Martin count is 1
10- Badger count is 1

Last night was a shitty night of sleeping. The ground was super hard and lumpy. I got up around 7:30 and packed up quickly, even though I only planned on doing 60 miles. I was riding by 8:30.

My left ass cheek was killing me once again. Luckily for me it kind of numbed up quickly. The road was hill for a short while then I hit a long downhill and found myself in farm country once again. I got to an intersection and wasn’t sure which way I was suppose to go. While trying to figured it out, I ended up telling my story to two ladies (who were at the campground the night before) and then to three cyclist going into a breakfast diner. They gave me the scoop on which way to go.

I plodded along back roads through farmfield after farmfield until I hit Rt. 20. I stopped at a gas station for a snack and took a break outside. I got going again and soon was getting hungry again. The islands weren’t flat like the mainland. I climbed a bunch and got to Deception Pass around 12 some thing. I asked the tourist info lady where I might eat and she told me Oak Harbor. Unfortunately for me Oak Harbor was another hour plus away.

I made my way south along Rt. 20 over hill after hill until I finally reached Oak Harbor. I partially went completely through town looking for a pizza joint and finally had to settle for Wendy’s. Nothing jumped out at me. When I ordered, I asked for no mayo. When I get my chicken sandwich, all it had was mayo. They gave me the one thing I didn’t want and nothing I did want. Getting the new sandwich took them almost 10 minutes. Not a great first experience in a while for Wendys’.

I was pretty tired after lunch like I was on the first day. I pedaled out of the parking lot and right away hit another climb. I passed through a few small towns and got to Rt. 525 south which took me to Freeland. I had planned on going to South Whidbey Island State Park; but being that it was my last night on the trip, I decided to find a hotel though I had no idea if there was even any around.

After passing the turn off for the State Park, I climbed a hill and came to the Greenbank Store. At the store I had a great conversation with the lady working the counter. I believe she said her name was Sandra. She was super excited about my trip and treated me like a celebrity. It was funny, but made me realize just what I had accomplished. I hung out at the store a bit and got the scoop on a hotel in Freeland. Sandra let me use the phone book and offered to let me use the phone.

It was only 5-6 miles to Freeland from the store so it wasn’t too bad of a ride. They told me it would be easy compared to what I had just done. Once again the average person’s view was quite different from mine. On the way into Freeland I took note of a pizza joint.
I got to the hotel, showered, and then sat around watching TV. I tried to journal some to catch up, but the mind controlling TV was too powerful. Before I knew it I was starving and it was time to get pizza. I walked over to the pizza place and forgot my pocketmail, so I just sat around for 20 minutes. I got my pizza and also stopped at the store for some chocolate milk and 2 cokes.

When I got back to the room, I only saw the microwave and the ice bucket. The room was really warm and I knew the ice bucket would never keep the milk good overnight. I ate my pizza and just chilled out in front of the TV. When I finally went to bed, I heard the running of a frig and thought that’s weird I didn’t see one in the room. I just ignored it and went to bed.

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