Tag Archive for: thru-hiking

PCT 2007 Day 36 – Laguna CG – Cross Rodriguez Spur
PCT 2007 Day 36
Day 36 / 4-30-07 CB
Laguna CG - Cross Rodriguez Spur
20.5 miles; 68.4 total miles; 1903.6 trip miles
Sunny, 80
I slept better last night then the night before. I did slip off my pad during the night once or twice. The…

PCT 2007 Day 35 – Boulder Oaks – Laguna CG
PCT 2007 Day 35
Day 35 / 4-29-07 CB
Boulder Oaks - Laguna CG
21.5 miles; 47.9 total miles; 1883.1 trip miles
Sunny; 80-90
Last night I slept like crap. The moon was super bright and subconsciously I was worried about my first cowboy camp experience.…

PCT 2007 Day 34 – Lake Morena – Boulder Oaks CG
PCT 2007 Day 34
Day 34 / 4-28-07 CB
Lake Morena - Boulder Oaks CG
5.8 miles; 26.4 total miles; 18?? trip miles
Sunny; 80's
Today I got up and was served French Toast by the class of 2005, I believe. It was great. Teatree even got me a Mimosa,…

PCT 2007 Day 33 – Mexican border – Lake Morena, CA
PCT 2007 Day 33
Day 33 / 4-27-07
Mexican border - Lake Morena
20.6 miles; 20.6 total miles; 1855.80 trip miles
80+; sunny
Today we got up at 5 AM to get to the border by 8. I was crushed, since I didn't sleep. We had breakfast and were on…

PCT 2007 Day 32 – San Diego
PCT 2007 Day 32
Day 32; Zero #2 / 4-26-07
San Diego
0 miles; 1835.74?? total miles
Sunny; 70's
Today I got up late since I didn't have to ride. I finished up my morning tasks just about the time my folks showed up.
We packed the bike (and…

PCT 2007 Day 31 – San Diego – Lake Morena County Park
PCT 2007 Day 31
Stage 31 / 4-25-07
San Diego - Lake Morena County Park
53 miles; 1835.74?? total miles; ? mph avg.; 4:30+ hours
Sunny, 80 in the shade
Last night I had a lamppost right next to my site and it was super bright. It was a weird…

Appalachian Trail Day 153 – Daisy Pond Lean-to – Katahdin
Appalachian Trail Day 153
Day 153
07-30-01 12.8 miles
Daisy Pond Lean-to → Katahdin
AT – 2168
I’ve done it! I’m sitting on top as I write. The climb was a piece of cake. I love it. Jeff and I climbed like champs. …

Appalachian Trail Day 152 – Hurd Brook – Daisy Pond Lean-to
Appalachian Trail Day 152
Day 152
07-29-01 11.0 miles
Hurd Brook → Daisy Pond Lean-to
AT – 2157.0
No E.T. camping. The bugs weren’t too bad. We had an owl come into camp right as I started the fire. Mortis and Jeff…

Appalachian Trail Day 151 – Wadleigh – Hurd Brook Lean-to
Appalachian Trail Day 151
Day 151
07-28-01 19.6 miles
Wadleigh → Hurd Brook Lean-to
AT – 2149.5
The mosquitoes were bad last night. I was happy to be in my tent. Jeff and I talked a bunch from within our tents. Neither…

Appalachian Trail Day 150 – Antlers Campsite – Wadleigh Stream Lean-to
Appalachian Trail Day 150
Day 150
07-27-01 13.6 miles
Antlers Campsite → Wadleigh Stream Lean-to
AT – 2129.9
What a great night! Antlers Campsite was the best. It’s the most beautiful spot yet. The sun woke me up at…