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CDT – Day 80 – Bowl M2138.2 to Wolf Creek Pass M2165.5
7/13/15 Day 80, Bowl M2138.2 to Wolf Creek Pass M2165.5 11,744'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 10
27.3, 1508 Trip Miles
Partly Sunny
Day's of Snow: 8 - Day's of Rain: 30 - Days of Hail: 14
# of Zero days: 7
5:50 am - 6:25 pm
Gila Crossings…
CDT – Day 79 – Meadow M2110.1 to Bowl M2138.2
7/12/15 Day 79, Meadow M2110.1 to Bowl M2138.2 11,744'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 10
28.1, 1480.7 Trip Miles
Partly Cloudy, rain in the evening w/ hail and lightening
Day's of Snow: 8 - Day's of Rain: 30 - Days of Hail: 14
# of Zero days:…
CDT – Day 78 – Saddle to Meadow
7/11/15 Day 78, Saddle M2083.5 to Meadow M2110.1 1o, 536'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 10
26.6, 1452.6 Trip Miles
Mostly Sunny,
Day's of Snow: 8 - Day's of Rain: 29 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 7
6:30 am - 6:45 pm
Gila Crossings Final…
CDT – Day 77 – Yurt to Saddle
7/10/15 Day 77, Yurt M2056.2 to Saddle M2083.5 11,871'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 10
27.3, 1426 Trip Miles
Partly Sunny, Rain, sleet and Snow
Day's of Snow: 8 - Day's of Rain: 29 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 7
6 am - 6 pm
Gila Crossings…
CDT – Day 76 – Lake City to Yurt
7/9/15 Day 76, Lake City M2047.5 to Yurt M2056.2 11,871'
Yurt - Nights Spent Alone: 10
8.6, 1398.7 Trip Miles
Partly Sunny, Rain
Day's of Snow: 7 - Day's of Rain: 28 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 7
Gila Crossings Final Total: …
CDT – Day 75 – Lake City
7/8/15 Day 75, Lake City M2047.5 8699'
Ravens Rest Hostel - Nights Spent Alone: 10
0, 1390.1 Trip Miles
Cloudy, Rain
Day's of Snow: 7 - Day's of Rain: 27 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 7
Gila Crossings Final Total: 221
Tick Count:…
CDT – Day 74 – Middle Mineral Creek to Lake City
7/7/15 Day 74, Middle Mineral Creek M2036.9 to Lake City M2047.5 8699'
Cabin - Nights Spent Alone: 10
10.6, 1390.1 Trip Miles
Cloudy, Rain
Day's of Snow: 7 - Day's of Rain: 26 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 6
5:59 am to 9:45 am
CDT – Day 73 – Cochetopa Creek to Middle Mineral Creek
7/6/15 Day 73, Cochetopa Creek M2013.4 to Middle Mineral Creek M2036.9 11,698'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 10
23.5, 1379.5 Trip Miles
Partly Sunny, Rain
Day's of Snow: 7 - Day's of Rain: 25 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 6
6:37to 5:48…
CDT – Day 72 – Upper Razor Creek Park to Cochepota Creek
7/5/15 Day 72, Upper Razor Creek Park M1984.2 to Cochetopa Creek M2013.4 11,203'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 9
29.2, 1355.8 Trip Miles
Mostly Sunny, Rain thunder&lightening
Day's of Snow: 7 - Day's of Rain: 24 - Days of Hail: 13
CDT – Day 71 – Saddle to Upper Razor Creek Park
7/4/15 Day 71, Saddle M1958.4 to Upper Razor Creek Park M1984.2 11,203'
Tent - Nights Spent Alone: 9
25.8, 1326.6 Trip Miles
Mostly Sunny, Rain after 8 pm
Day's of Snow: 7 - Day's of Rain: 23 - Days of Hail: 13
# of Zero days: 6
6:36 to…