5/28/15, Day 34


Friend’s Place – Nights Spent Alone: 7

0, 603.8 Trip Miles


Day’s of Snow: 7 – Day’s of Rain: 11

# of Zero days: 4

Gila Crossings Final Total:  221


119 Lizards

48 Elk

30 Chipmunks

22 Cotton Tail Rabbits

20 Squirrels

19 Deer

9 Horny Roads

9 Jack Rabbit

8 Ground Squirrel

5 Snakes

3 Coyotes

2 Pronghorn

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Rattle Snake

As today was yet another Zero Day in Durango I thought I’d share my bird list with you. It’s grown by leaps and bonds because of Rafiki. He is a birder and a good one. He’s done all kinds of bird studies and banded birds many times.

Common Raven

Spotted Towhee
Black Throated Sparrow -NEW
Gambles Quail -NEW??
Turkey Vulture
Dark Eyed Junco
Scott’s Oriole – NEW
Western Kingbird
Hummingbird Board-Tail
American Robin
Western Scrub-Jay
Red-Faced Warbler -NEW
Stellar’s Jay
Common Merganser
Mallard Duck
Morning Dove
Canyon Wren -NEW
Western Tanager
Northern Flicker
Red-wing Blackbird
Barn Swallows
Violet Green Swallows
Zone-Tail Hawk -NEW
Wild Turkey
Red-Tail Hawk
Mountain Chickadee
Western Blue bird
Great Blue Heron
Clark’s Nuthatch
White-Breasted Nuthatch
Chipping Sparrow
House Finch
House Sparrow
Western Tanager
Canada Geese
Scaled Quail -NEW
Canyon Towhee -NEW
Blue Grey Natcatcher -NEW
Yellow Rump Warbler -NEW
Graces Warbler -NEW
Williamson Sapsucker -NEW
Black-Throated Gray Warbler -NEW
Dusky Grouse -NEW
Vesper Sparrow -NEW
Piñon Jay 49
Gray Jay 50
Pine Siskin 51
House Wren 52
Swansons Hawk -NEW? 53
American Kestrel 54
Great Tail Grackle -NEW?? 55
Brewers Black Birds 56
Savannah Sparrow -NEW? 57
Black-billed Magpie 58
Evening Grosbeak 59
Lewis Woodpecker -NEW 60
American Crow -61
It’s great to hike with Rafiki. We make a good team. Our paces are pretty close and we get along well.
hike blog

Catching up on my blogging

Now that New Mexico is done I have to say “WOW!”.  I think like most people I believed it to be all desert, Indian Reservations, many Super Fund sites, Roswell and aliens, and satellite dishes.
Coffee break

Hiker Trash on Main Street DGO

It’s so unbelievably beautiful. There’s desert as you would expect, but there’s lush rivers like the Gila, amazing bluffs and cliffs filled with colors. High mountains covered with Ponderosa Pines. There’s vast high elevation meadows that go on for miles and the closer you get to Colorado the better it gets in my opinion.
This was one of my longest stretches where I was off the trail for any of my three thru-hikes.  I was really looking forward to getting back to the trail but Rafiki and I were committed to hiking with each other, as well as splitting the cost of the rental car, and lastly I was looking to see Jill.  
Back to Day 33, Forward to Day 35


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