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PCT 2007 Day 21 – Half Moon Bay – Sunset Beach SP

PCT 2007 Day 21

Stage 21 / 4-15-07
Half Moon Bay – Sunset Beach SP
72.77 miles; 1200.18 total miles; 13.4 mph avg.; 5:25 hours
Sunny, high 60’s

Well my tent didn’t blow down last night with the crazy wind we had. I slept well despite the wind and raging surf just over the dunes.

Today’s stage was mostly flat with one climb early and then a lot of rollers at the end. I took Rt. 1 all the way to Santa Cruz then a combination of bike paths and streets through the city. From Santa Cruz to camp, I also took back roads instead of Rt. 1.

I stopped by Pigeon Point Lighthouse and met a guy from Maine and chatted a while. Next up was Davenport where I took an early lunch. It just happens that my friend Scott’s girlfriend, Mercedes, used to work at the bar/grill/bakery I had lunch at. I got a burger and fries. It was a popular place for motorcycles as well. About 20 of them showed up while I ate. I started to see lots of cyclist at this point as well.

Once in Santa Cruz, I came across a surf competition and then a road bike race. I screwed up and didn’t take any pictures of Santa Cruz. They have an amusement park in town, on the water, and a cool boardwalk. I was so intent on where my route was going, I didn’t take any pictures.

As I watched the surfing, I looked out across the water thinking I was looking out to sea but I saw mountains straight across from me. The Monterey Bay is so big I didn’t realize I was looking across it and not out to sea. I will spend a good portion of my day tomorrow just getting around the bay.

I saw some deer in a field today. Like the last few days, I rode through lots of rolling green hills covered with grass and low shrubs. The coast was very rocky today and there was lots of foaming sea to see.

At camp I met a guy named Scott who had just came from Sea Otter, the race I was trying to get to and see my cousin Clinton race at. He’s (Scott) from Palm Springs and drove 9 hours to race here. He gave me some cream that has ibuprofen in it for my aching back. For the last four days my back has been really hurting. The last couple it’s been the left side. I might get a massage tomorrow in Monterey or some of those hot patches.

There’s a place tomorrow where I might see some Elephant Seals, I can’t wait.

I have an owl hooting me asleep right now. Time for bed.

Glove count is 25.

Scatman 2011- This was a much longer day but besides my aching back it was good.  I recall stopping for an ice cream on the way out of Santa Cruz.  I couldn’t resist ice cream and milk shakes on this trip.  I really enjoyed Santa Cruz but wish I had more time to see more of the town.

I had an enjoyable even with Scott.  It was my first night in a long time I had some one to talk to at camp.  The campground was pretty empty but it was still early in the season.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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