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CDT – Day 16 – Road Side Camp to Pie Town

Day 16, Toaster House 

Road Side Camp M30.5 of PT Alt. to Pie Town

9.5, 317.3 Trip MilesPartly Sunny, 50’s Windy6:19 to 9:15

54 Gila Crossings, 221 Final Total

Critter Count
21 Elk


102 Lizards

41 Elk

10 Deer

9 Horny Roads

5 Jack Rabbit

7 Squirrels

7 Chipmunks

4 Snakes

4 Cotton Tail Rabbits

3 Coyotes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

It was another cold one. I slept pretty well until the earlier hours. I was going to try to sleep in as I knew I only had like ten miles to hike but I was awake and with the cold there was no way I was going to fall asleep again.

My sunrise on Day 16

I got the Pie Town around 9:15 and the first order of business was a shower and laundry. The shower had shitty water pressure but it felt wonderful after 8 days without one.
I ate an early lunch at the Pie Town Cafe, burger with fries. I also met a ton of new people. I guess there was about 30 hikers here last night. There’s probably about half that many tonight.
Most of my day was spent eating and posting my journal for ya’ll. I met this very cool cat named Dillon who is biking the CDT. He started on May 1st. He had many great stories of touring and traveling.
Pie Town Cafe

Pie Town Cafe

2w came into town! I will admit I was worried when I never saw him yesterday. I got his email so I could write him later. I thoroughly enjoyed hiking with him.
Toaster House

Side porch at the Toaster House in Pie Town, New Mexico

I will leave here tomorrow for Grants NM. I should be there in 4 days.
Having a short day today was good.  My left shin I believe was still hurting.  Even though I was in Pie Town I never had pie.  Once I ate at the cafe I was full and even though it was only like a 5 minute was I was too lazy to go back when I was hungry again.  I had enough of my own food to eat.
This was the first time on the trail where I was surrounded by a large number of hikers, not counting the start.  It was both fun and exciting but at the same time I wanted my space.
When you’re in the woods a lot of the time it’s just you or maybe one other.  You feel like the world is yours.  When you get to a hostel like the Toaster House you become common.  Everyone has a similar story and is doing the same thing you are.  It can become a battle of willings if one doesn’t stay in check.  At the same time it’s a place to bond and come together and share one’s experience with like minds.
 Back to Day 15, Forward to Day 17


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