6/1/15, Day 38

Saddle1321.2 to A&M Reservoir 1352.2, 7453′

Tent – Nights Spent Alone: 7

31, 695.6 Trip Miles

Mostly Sunny – Breezy – thunder showers

Day’s of Snow: 7 – Day’s of Rain: 12

# of Zero days: 5

6:06am to 7:30 pm

Gila Crossings Final Total: 221
Critter Count

66 Pronghorn

43 Wild Horses

4 Deer

3 Horny Toads

3 Elk

1 chipmunk

355 Pronghorn*

119 Lizards

54 Elk

44 Wild Horses

32 Chipmunks

31 Deer**

24 Cotton Tail Rabbits

20 Squirrels

12 Horny Roads

12 Ground Squirrels

10 Jack Rabbit***

6 Snakes

3 Moles

3 Coyotes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Rattle Snake

1 Marmot****

*174 from car, **3 from car, ***1 from car, ****1 from car
Another brutally long day in the elements. Sun, wind, rain, thunder&lightening and sand. Oh and don’t forget the TICKS! I found two or three on me today but they were just crawling, not that that’s any better.


Sunrise in the Great Basin

The highlight of the day had to be the wild horses. They were beautiful. We saw at least a half dozen foals. The first horse we saw was jet black and just stunning. I day dreamed what it would be like to switch minds with this handsome creature for a little while. To experience a life on the open range. The freedom to roam at will. Run from thunder storms and chase the lady horses all day if that is what I wanted.

wild horse

Wild horse who ran up behind us.

Horny Toad

Baby Horny Toad we found on the road.

We saw trees for the first time in a day in a half. They didn’t last long though and soon we were walking more dirt double track in the sun. The same sun that keeps buring my head. I have all this hair and I keep burning my scalp. It’s that intense out here.


Fields of Dandelions

Rain clouds

Approaching storm

This is no vacation if you have been thinking so you’re greatly mistaken. This trail tests me daily if not hourly. Today’s 31 miles came at the price of sun burns, dehydration, sore feet and knees, along with hours of staring at the same hill in front of you that never seems to get closer.

It’s late, I’m tired and need to sleep.

This day was long and for some reason I was in a rush to get someplace.  I recall getting annoyed with Rafiki for taking so long at every break.  I didn’t say anything directly about it as I knew I was being stupid but I definitely had ants in my pants.

The wild horses were amazing, as was the speed in which today’s storm moved in on us.  It was not the bath I was looking for.  Today was one of those days where you gauge progress by reaching each water source.  Considering we missed the last one camp seemed forever to reach.

Once at camp my exhaustion hit.  I managed to climb the dike to bath in the reservoir, then cook but after that I was pretty much useless.

Back to Day 37, Forward to Day 39


Get out there!

Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor Research, SuperFeet, Ibex, Julbo, Petzl, Dude Wipes, Platypus, ClifBar and Aqua Mira

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