De Roux was our goal.  We didnt know what we would find but our map showed a bounty of trail options but Im getting ahead of myself.  The first goal was to get out of Seattle.  The I-90 bridge had been closed for the first half of the day for Seafair and the traffic was horrible.

De Roux Climb

James picked me up at 3 and we headed the truck east and didnt stop.  Well actually we stop in Cle Elum for gas and some beta on the trails.  We got more gas then beta but it was well worth the stop.  After on wrong turn we were soon at De Roux Campground.  We set up the Alaskan and it was time for dinner.  Unfortunately due to the lack of some serious rain in the area we were not able to have a fire.  The only other option was a early turn in.

Jim and Rob showed up around 9:30 am on Saturday.  James and I had already eaten and had a relaxing morning getting ready for the days epic.  I had mapped out two rides, one at 38.6 miles and one at 36,4.  Rob and Jim were not into either of those.  We busted out the maps and figured out a different route.  We decide on a lollipop route up Trail 1392 Boulder De Roux to 4W301, turned left onto Fish lake Road leading us to Road 138, which turned into Trail 1392 leading us back to where we started.

Boulder De Roux started out with some rolling hills then it got steep with multiple hike a bike sections but none were terribly long.  It didn’t take long for blood to be drawn.  I was the victim of a way word piece of dead fall that got my right leg.  Though before that I fell jamming my left thumb which would be tight the rest of the day.

We had some great views on the way up even though we had a low cloud cover all day.  Mother Nature threaten us with rain, while at the same time teasing us with views of spectacular peaks all around.  As we climbed we knew we would have some sweet descending on the way back out.  About three quarters of the way up to Gallagher Lake we rode through a beautiful high alpine meadow.  It was something out of a picture book.  It was filled with flowers, a small stream and beautiful views.

Hands down this ride was the most visually stunning of any ride Ive done.  Added to that it wasnt so grueling that you were completely crushed afterwards.  The alpine meadow we went through was just the first of many impressive views.

We switched back up to a junction where we ran into a hiker coming down from the lake and she mentioned it was just up the trail.  I dropped my bike and headed up to take a picture, made it about 20 feet then realized I forgot my camera.  Once to the lake I also realized it was the trail we wanted to take.  I ran back to the group and we made our way up to the lake.  The lakeshore was full of trucks, people and dogs.  It was an odd sight since it seems so remote.  We took in the view and headed down the 4×4 road.  The guys doing some trail work said it was rough but that wed probably fly right down it.

It was rough and we did fly at times.  I hit 33 mph at one point but most of it was like riding down a riverbed.  ROCKS, lots of rocks.  We had a few instances where there were roads not on the map that made us stop and scratch our heads.  We finally made it down to Lake Fish Road.  We rode that for a short while before turning left up Road 138, which would bring us to the opposite end of Tr. 1392 which we started on.  A short ways up the trail it was time for refueling.  We found some great rocks to sit on and have our lunch.

During our lunch break we heard a boom that sound like some blew up some dynamite off in the distances.  It was kind of disconcerting.

Since we had left Gallagher Lake we had been going down hill or on somewhat flat roads. After lunch that all change real fast.  We learned that the trail we were going up was probably better suited for going down.  Despite some major hike a bike sections and lots of climbing we had some great views while climbing back up to Gallagher Lake.  The hillsides around us were slate gray or rusty orange and washing away.  The result was numerous spines and gullies largely baron of vegetation.  It was kind like a moonscape.

Boulder Creek Climb

After 3.9 miles of climbing and pushing our bikes we were back to the turn off for Gallagher Lake.  Getting there was a challenge, more so for some, like Rob who had a super slow speed fall on a mostly flat section of trail.  We all got out our jackets for the descent and headed our bikes downhill.  The descent was as good as we had thought it would be going up it.  Some sections were barely ridable and I had to dismount.  Though the lower section had a good flow to it and we were able to open it up some.  James took a fall and lucked out he didn’t break a wrist or collar bone from listening to his story.

The trail head came before we knew it and it was time to have a beer and get cleaned up.  Rob and Jim stayed around for a couple of beers and chips and salsa. After they left James and I cooked some pasta settling in for a relaxing night in the Alaskan.  Rest and recovery were on the menu if we were going to do another epic the next day.

Flickr photos.


Get out there!

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