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PCT 2007 Day 96 – Reno, NV

PCT 2007 Day 96

Day 96 / 6-29-07 H 7190′ Zero day #7
Reno, NV
0 miles; 1158.8 (48.4) total miles; 3013.0 trip miles
High 70’s, sunny, windy

Deer count is 62
Marmot count is 51
Pika count is 2
Bear count is 1

We woke up to Bill making breakfast and giving time frames to how close breakfast was. Everyone was up by 6:30 AM. We had pancakes, fruit, and eggs.

The first ride to the trail was at 7:15. It was another wild scene before they left. Mace, Trail Dog, and Marmot went to the trail first. Second Hand ended up going to the trail later by himself. Silver’s friend from the AT, Pig Pen, was going to pick us up so we could zero with him. He came by around 10.

We stopped by the Soda Springs post office and general store next door. Once again I have been unable to find Little Debby Swiss Rolls. After that we went to his house in Reno, NV. He had to drop us off since he had a business meeting to go to. We hung out, walked the dogs, used the internet, and ate (I walked to Papa Johns where I ordered a small, then changed it to a medium, pizza and the girl didn’t charge me). He came home later and shortly after that his parents, who are visiting from Hong Kong, came back. We planned dinner and Pig Pen and his dad went to the store for food, while his mom ran around cleaning his house.

We had a great dinner of burgers, fries and corn on the cob. Surprisingly we didn’t have desert. Instead we all slowly digested until we went to bed.

Scatman- This was only my second day in a large city since I began the trail.  It was overwhelming at times.  Sensory overload is the best way to describe it.  I felt most at home either at the park with the dogs or inside Pig Pen’s house away from the grind outside.  I had a blast with the gang looking at Pig Pen’s AT pictures and taking a look back.  We shared stories and laughed a lot.  Even though I wasn’t part of either Silver’s or Pig Pen’s AT experience we could connect by just talking about the trail.  We all shared a common bond, just like how Silver, Backtrack, and I now shared a bond from the PCT.  We could meet years from now and feel that bond.  I love how the trail does that.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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