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CDT – Day 22 – M575.8 to M603.1

5/16/15, Day 22

M575.8 to M603.1 – 6301′ 


27.3, 433.2 Trip Miles
Cloudy, 30-40’s Windy, Snow and Rain
Day 3 of Snow – Day 5 of Rain
7:12 am to 7:45 pmGila Crossings Final Total:  221

Critter Count
1 Mystery Critter. Just a flash of white in the bush.


107 Lizards

43 Elk

10 Deer

10 Squirrels

9 Horny Roads

8 Chipmunks

8 Jack Rabbit

7 Cotton Tail Rabbits

5 Snakes

3 Coyotes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Rattle Snake

Once again today I lost count of the number of times I got snowed or rained on. Today was another tough day.

Scatman’s To Do List:

Hike 20+ miles in a snow storm – CHECK

Winter Camping

I woke up to this.

It snowed more than it didn’t today until around 5 pm. It didn’t then because I was 2000′ lower in elevation. I’m out of woods I was in and back to desert walking. No shade and no wind breaks. Shade isn’t an issue as it was rain shower after shower. You could see each one come at you.

The clouds were impressive today. Huge formations.


The descent back into the desert

It’s amazing how much the weather dictates your mood out here. The last two day felt like work. You just put your head down and push forward. It’s not pretty. When it’s sunny everything is great. When it’s cold or wet everything takes forever and is harder.

I met three hikers at the first water source. They are: G, Funk, and Tropper. (And no they didn’t get there names at the same time). We hiked on for the remainder of the day pretty much together. We’re all camped on the lee side of a ridge.


View of one of the towers

It’s not raining now but the temperature has dropped. My hands are cold just typing this.

Waking up to more snow wasn’t the bright sunny morning I had dreamed of when I went to bed last night.  I walked super fast for most of the AM just to keep warm.  Having others around did help deal with the adverse conditions, though I wasn’t entirely sure I was welcome at times.  Nothing was said, it was more my gut telling me.  

I recall having a bitch of a time getting my tarp up due to the rocks and soil.  My cold hands and tiredness didn’t help.  I didn’t eat until camp and by then it was late.  

Back to Day 21, Forward to Day 23


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Get out there!

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