Tag Archive for: hiking

Icicle Ridge Trail
Trail Report from Icicle Ridge Trail.
June 3, 2012
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Location: Icicle Ridge Trail 1570, just outside Leavenworth, WA
Region: Central Cascades - Leavenworth Area
Agency: Wenatchee National Forest,…

Bandera Trail Report
Trail Report from Bandera Mtn.
May 28, 2012
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Location: Bandera Mtn., Alpine Lake Wilderness
Region: Snoqualmie Pass -- Snoqualmie Pass
Agency: Mt. Baker - Snoqualmie National Forest, Snoqualmie Ranger District

West Fork San Juan River, Rainbow Hot Springs
November 19, 2011
View West Fork San Juan River in a larger map
Location: West Fork San Juan River, Rainbow Hot Springs
Weminuche Wilderness Area in the San Juan National Forest
Pagosa Ranger District, San Juan National Forest

Indian Bar and Back on the Wonderland Tr.
September 11, 2011
Our hike started on the Wonderland Trail where it crosses Sunrise Park Road. We then did an out and back to Indian Bar Camp.
Mt. Rainier -- NW - Carbon River / Mowich Mt. Rainier National Park
View Indian…

Mowich Lake to Seattle Park
September 5, 2011
Our intended hike was to start at Mowich Lake and hike up to Seattle Park via the Spray Park Trail. Once to Seattle Park we would go back the way we came back down to the Spray Park Trail and then return to Mowich Lake…

Kachess Beacon
July 9, 2011
Location: Kachess Beacon Tr. 1315 and 1315.3
Region: Snoqualmie Pass -- Snoqualmie Pass
Agency: Cle Elum Ranger District
The Numbers:
Roundtrip 6.0 miles
Elevation Gain 2200 ft
Highest Point 4600 ft
Guide Books and Maps:

AT 10 Year Anniversary
10 years ago today I flew from Boston to Atlanta, GA to start my Appalachian Trail thru-hike. It would be the first step towards completing a 15 year long dream. I first climbed Mt. Katahdin, which is the northern terminus of the AT when I was…