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CDT – Day 121- Lincoln M2733.7 to Trail Side Camp M2759.8

8/23/15 Day 121 – Lincoln M2733.7 to Trail Side Camp M2759.8, 6933′
Tent – Nights Spent Alone: 15

26.1, 2478.8 Trip Miles
Day’s of Snow: 9 – Day’s of Rain: 42 – Days of Hail: 19

7:23am to 7:59 pm

# of Zero days: 12

Gila Crossings Final Total: 221

Tick Count: 4 (4 more crawling on me)

Wanted List

Mountain Goat

Grizzly Bear


Black Bear – SPOTTED

Bighorn Sheep


Mountain Lion

Beaver – SPOTTED 




Critter Count

12 Chipmunks

1 Deer *from car

1) 618 Pronghorn*

2) 448 Elk*7

3) 356 Chipmunks *5

4) 192 Deer*2

5) 154 Marmot*4

6) 145 Squirrels *9

7) 120 Lizards*6

8) 116 Wild Horses

9) 76 Ground Squirrels*10

10) 69 Pika

11) 56 Cotton Tail Rabbits *8

12) 30 Prairie Dogs

13) 22 Horny Toads

14) 18 Jack Rabbit*3

15) 14 Moose

16) 9 Snakes

17) 5 Coyotes

18) 5 Moles

19) 4 Black Bears

20) 4 Porcupine

21) 3 Toads

22) 2 Mouse

23) 2 Fox

24) 2 Rattle Snakes

25) 1 Beaver

26) 1 Badger

27) 1 Skunk

28) 1 Weasel -Long Tail

*259 from car, *2 – 49 from car – 3 in town, *3 – 1 from car, *4 – 2 from car, *5 – 2 off trail, *6 – 1 off trail, *7 – 9 from car, *8 – 3 off trail *9 – 1 from car, *10 – 6 off trail 
Our room at The Sportsman was pretty nice. It had three beds and they only charged us for two! We showered, did laundry, figured out our food for the next section, then went to the Bootlegger. The service was the worst on the trail. The pizza was mediocre at best.

We had Dick the owner drive us back to the trail at 7 am. We were hiking and UP hill by 7:20. Toast had told us via text that the first 15 miles from the pass had 5000′ of climbing. He wasn’t lying. It was a day of climb after climb. It was also a day with a lot of sun and little water. 
My pack was much heavier than it should have been due to the water I had to carry. 

Surprisingly I kept hydrated pretty well. Usually when water is scarce I conserve too much and don’t drink enough. Weird I know.  

The smoke was back but it wasn’t bad the breath. It did kill the long views though. We still got some nice ones. The views of Caribou Peak were great. There was an option to go over it but we needed water which we found in the bowl below the peak. We also crossed Lewis and Clark Pass. They crossed there in July of 1806 on their return. We passed both Green and Red Mountain and hiked in both the Helena and Lewis & Clark National Forest. 

I got super cranky after 4 pm. I was super hungry, probably because I’m homeless not from the super hard day. The result was some cursing at rocks I tripped on and a rant about the trail gaining elevation from a saddle but not actually going to the summit of the mountain it was side hilling. 

All in all it was another incredible day in the woods. Only 9 days left now. I’m not sure I want to go home yet. 


Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor Research, SuperFeet, Ibex, Julbo, Petzl, Dude Wipes, Platypus, ClifBar, Feed The Machine, and Aqua Mira


Get out there!

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