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CDT – Day 26 – M684 to Ghost Ranch

5/20/15, Day 26

M684 to Ghost Ranch 6,482′

Cabin – Nights Spent Alone: 7

12.1, 526.2 Trip Miles

Mostly Sunny, breezy

Day’s of Snow: 4 – Day’s of Rain: 7

6:19 am to 10 am

Gila Crossings Final Total:  221

Critter Count
1 Cotton Tail
1 Ground Squirrel


119 Lizards

45 Elk

15 Cotton Tail Rabbits

12 Chipmunks

12 Deer

10 Squirrels

9 Horny Roads

9 Jack Rabbit

5 Snakes

3 Ground Squirrel

3 Coyotes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Rattle Snake

What a better night than last. I slept peacefully in a large open valley next to a Juniper tree (One Seed?) and it was bliss.

The day was short as I got to the Ghost Ranch by 10 am. It’s a great place so far. I’m doing laundry, then I’m going to have lunch and take a nap. Hopefully when I wake up Jill will be here.

Suspension Bridge

Skinny suspension bridge on my way to Ghost Ranch

I did wake up to Jill rousing me to go to dinner at the mess hall. She had been there for 20 minutes but I had no reception in our room. We had dinner and then spent the night sharing stories. Her’s of her recent trip to San Diego and mine of the hike.

It was so great to see her and just sit on a couch and talk. If you ever meet her yourself you will know what I’m talking about.

Ghost Ranch is where Georgia O’Keefe did a lot of her paintings. It’s owned by the Pesbertrian church. They offer all kinds of classes from fly fishing to welding to art to self discovery and more. Many movies have had screens filmed here. It’s quite the place. I’m glad I came this way.

I woke up quite excited this day and was really looking forward to seeing my friend Jill.  I hiked super fast as a result.  It was a day of mixed emotions and one of great hope.  Not everything went as I had hoped but at the time I enjoyed myself and lived in the moment.

Back to Day 25, Forward to Day 27


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