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PCT 2007 – Dat 133 – Scout Lake – Olallie Lake

Day 133 8-5-07 Tarp Tent
Scout Lake – Olallie Lake, Camp Ten CG
13.0 miles; 2053.1 (75.46) total miles; 3922.8 trip miles
80’s, sunny
Days camped alone 18

Critter Tour General Category
Deer count is 122
Marmot count is 53
Elk count is 23
Pika count is 8
Bear count is 7
Rattlesnake count is 6
Badger count is 1

I woke up a lot in the earlier hours even though I was so tried when I first laid down. I think it was because I was so cold. It was another dewy morning ,too. I got going by around 7 again.

Mount Jefferson

Now that there was light, I could see what the area looked like. It turns out I walked some of the PCT during the night and didn’t know it. I was in a huge meadow of sorts. There were little ponds and dried up ones all over. There were also people camped all over, too. Scott and I didn’t have a chance in finding his friends.

First snow in a while

I made my way to the South Fork Breitenbush River, where I got some water. I then had a very steep and long climb to an awesome ridge where I had great views of Jefferson and to the north. I then had to descend on snow for the first time since the Sierras!
I descended for a long time and for most of it I wondered if I was on the right trail. At the top there were multiple trails descending the ridge. It turned out my gut was right and I was on the PCT. I descended all the way to Skyline Road 42, where I saw a momma and baby deer. It still had it’s spots!

Morning clouds

I then had a easy climb to Upper Lake, passing the Gibson, Horseshoe Saddle, Ruddy Hill Trails along the way. Then it was all downhill to the road where I was to find my friend Scott. I passed Cigar Lake and the meadow where I picked blueberries. They were my first of the trip. They are not out at the higher altitudes I have been at lately. I quickly descended down towards Olallie Lake passing many small ponds on the way. I got to Head Lake and a junction for the Olallie Lake Guard Station and took it. Once I got to the road, I realized I just skipped a small part of the PCT and knew it would be better to go back and do it now so I didn’t have to in the AM. I backtracked to Head Lake, which was right there and went another tenth of a mile on the PCT until I came back out on the same road.

Rough Trail

I looked left and saw a van that could have been Scott’s new one and headed towards it. As I got near he appeared from around the side and gave me a hug. Within minutes I had a cold beer and we toasted my first 2000 miles. We then went to the resort to ask about camping. We got ice creams of course. We had to go find a site then go back and pay for it. We went down to Camp Ten as it was called, which was on a point on the lake and found a nice spot. We set up camp and then drove back to the resort to pay. While at the resort/store I got us some firewood. We needed some start wood so we stopped on the way back and picked up sticks. Scott almost got us killed by driving the van like it was a rally car. It was fun until two cars were coming the other way.

Scott and I

We hung out at camp and caught up on life, love, and bikes. Around 4 PM we decided to go to town, Detroit, for dinner. It was a 37 mile drive where the first 1/3 was on a thin dirt road, the second 1/3 was on a thin paved road then the last 1/3 was on a normal width paved one. Scott once again drove like a man on fire.

When we got to town, I saw a pizza place and dinner was found. We ordered our pizza then I checked my mail. While our pizza was cooking, the pilot light went out so it took forever. Scott got a free drink out of it though. The pizza was good but the guy put a whole jar of garlic on it. I burped up garlic all night. Once we were done, eating we just headed back to camp.

Another great view from my morning

We hung out for a bit then finally started the fire. The rest of the evening was more of earlier, where we caught up on things and drank beer. We went to bed at 11:34! I was tired….zzzzzz!!!!

Scatman 2011- Besides seeing BA who I knew from the AT, Scott was the first person I had seen I knew before the trip since my parents back in the first week.  He drove all the way from Seattle to meet me.  We hung out for less than 12 hours but it was great to see him.  We planned our meeting at Snoqualmie Pass and I made sure he would have everything I needed.

The hike to get to Scott was great.  Despite being tried from the long day yesterday I enjoyed myself.  The views going up the ridge line I had to climb were amazing.  There’s spots like this ridge line that have just stuck with me throughout the years since the hike.  I can close me eyes and picture it clearly, or so I think I can.  I’m truly blessed to have been able to hike the whole PCT as I did.



Get out there!

Powered by adventure, fueled by Feed the Machine, Hydrated by nuun, and built for life like Stanley.

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