5/1/15, Day 7 – hotel

Hwy. 90 – Silver City

12.8, 144.2 Trip Miles

Sunny, 80’s Blue Bird Day

5:50 to 11:50am

Critter Count

0 seen


52 Lizrads

9 Horny Roads

5 Jack Rabbit

3 Cotton Tail Rabbits

3 Snakes

Today I woke up after a trying night between a mouse running around my head and on my pack. We’re talking less than a foot from my face. Next was the constant breeze that made my I was water and tear. Because of said mouse I turned 180° and now I had the moonlight in my face. So despite probably the flattest spot to sleep to date it actually wasn’t that greatest night of sleep. 

I got started the earliest yet at 5:50 to do a 12 mile road walk on pavement. Along the way I was able to stop at the start of the time trial for the Tour of Gila. I also got to hang out with old Seattle friend and fellow racer Steve Fisher who rides for the Jelly Belly Cycling Team as a pro.



After leaving the Jelly Belly squad I continued my walk to town. Along the way Steve caught me and then bought me a burrito at his favorite place as he’s been coming to the Tour of Gila for over three years now.



Once in town I had over a mile walk to the hotel. I was torn on whether going to the post office now or later but as I have a package at the hotel I was going to have to go back that direction anyways to ship that package. At the hotel I spent a good portion of the afternoon going through my gear and my food. I have decided to buy a pair of crocs as thong flip-flops are just not the way to go when hiking, despite the weight savings.


Even though I sat around the hotel for most of the day I actually feel more tired than when I got here I hope I just need a good nights sleep is all. Tomorrow I’ll hang out till checkout time and then hang out in town until 4 o’clock to watch the crit downtown.  Then I will hike out seven or so miles and continue my journey north to Canada once more.

I really have to give it to Steve Fisher.  He approached me about meeting up, not the other way around.  It meant so much to me that he reached out to me while on the trail.  Usually it’s me doing the reaching out.  The old adage “Out of sight, out of mind” rings very true when I’ve gone hiking.

This stop in town was very good for my ankle.  The partial days rest was just what I needed.  The hotel was shit as many were on the trail but a luxury all the same.

Back to Day 6, Forward to Day 8


Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor ResearchSuperFeetIbexJulboPetzlDude WipesPlatypusClifBar and Aqua Mira


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