Day 162 9-3-07
Freeland, WA   Kenmore, WA (End)
34.15 miles; 244.96 (88.96) total miles; 4754.56 trip miles
60-70’s, Mostly cloudy with sun
Days camped alone 32
11.8 avg mph; ? max ; 2:52:32

2007 PCT Critter Tour General Category
1- Marmot count is 170
2- Deer count is 135
3- Pika count is 85
4- Elk count is 65
5- Goat count is 21
6- Slug count is 18
7- Bear count is 7
8- Rattlesnake count is 6
9- Martin count is 1
10- Badger count is 1

My hotel room was hot, but eventually it cooled off. I slept okay. The lack of moving air makes it hard for me to sleep. When I got up, I packed up my stuff. While doing a once over of the room, I didn’t find anything I missed. I then went to turn off the TV and as I did, I finally saw the frig which I heard when I went to bed. It was right under the TV, which I watched all night.

I got some juice from the continental breakfast and was off by around 8:30 or so. The road was still not any easier as people had said it would be. It wasn’t until I got within a mile of the ferry that I got a nice downhill. I was happy to learn I didn’t have to pay for my ferry ride this time. As I sat waiting for the ferry, I talked to a dock worker about my trip. I didn’t have to wait long for the ferry. The ferry ride was short, but nice. I had some nice views of the mountains and the sound.

Once to the mainland, I had a long climb up to Rt. 99. I had a little confusion at the interchange, but figured it out quickly. On 99 I met another cyclist named Carl who told me how to get to my next road since I knew I wasn’t on the exact route I had planned.
I got on the right road and called my friends, Jeff and Sam, to let them know how long I would be. I couldn’t get a hold of my friend Scott, as it turns out he was at the cyclocross race and didn’t expect me until later that evening.

When I got near Sam’s house, I decided to stop by and surprise her; but she hadn’t gotten home from her parents yet. When she got to her house, I was waiting. I got to see what progress occurred while I was gone. I also got to see the dogs and cat. After a bit we both headed for my finish in Kenmore. I went one way while she went another. When I got to Lake Washington and the Burke Gilman bike path, it kind a hit me how long it had been since I left back in March. I put some music on and pedaled the last couple of miles.
By this time it was getting pretty hot and I hadn’t taken one piece of clothing off and was sweating bullets. I pedaled up the last hill and turned into my old apartment complex where I started. Sam videotaped me as I rode the last little bit. My friend Jeff and his buddy Mike were also there to celebrate my finish. Mike has multiple long distance bike trips under his belt so it was cool to have him there. Jeff commented on all my clothes and I told him I was too lazy to stop and take them off. I just wanted to finish. It felt good to be done; but like the finish of the hike, it wasn’t what I pictured in my mind. We hung out and talked a bit before deciding to get some pizza. The pizza place didn’t open until 4 and it was only noon at this point. We then ended up going to a Mexican place up the road. Sam and I ate while Mike and Jeff had a beer with me to celebrate the trip.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Sam waiting for my friend, Scott, to get home. It was difficult spending all that time with her and not having it be like it use to. As it turned out, Scott had no idea I was planning on staying at his place.

Even though I’m writing these days after the actually events, I still haven’t really reflected on the trip much. Right now I’m enjoying not being on the move everyday. I also think that since I’m going home on the 7th and will be traveling for another two weeks, my mind is still in trip mood. I’m stilling living out of a bag and using my sleeping bag to sleeping in. I’m done, but not. I will write my closing thoughts soon and try and wrap up the trip.



Get out there!

Powered by adventure, supported by Superfeet, fueled by Feed the Machine, Hydrated by nuun.

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