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During my time both on the trail and off, I have learned that most of us can’t decide what is the best gear choices for bikepacking but most of us do make a lot of the same mistakes.
I’ve see this both in the bikepacking and hiking worlds. We all start out as novices who need both time to make mistakes and learn before we become good at anything. If you spend any amount of time in online forums you see people asking the same kind of questions you probably asked when you were preparing for your first bikepacking adventure.
There’s two key things here to consider. The first is that most people in th0se forums your searching are probably in the same boat as you. The second, I already made above. Most of them can’t agree on what gear is the best.
The point is, if you’re a new bikepacker you’re better off not asking others for gear or nutrition, but instead ask veteran bikepackers what mistakes they made when they started.
If you take the time to test different gear and do multiple shakedown rides then you’ll learned what works for you. As you learn what works for you, you’ll be gaining what I like to call Trail Confidence. The more confident you are, the better your chances you’ll have a safer, more enjoyable, and success adventure. I can stress how important gaining Trail Confidence and learning about what works for you is.
I surveyed fellow bikepackers to confirm my theory and the results of said survey are below. It’s my hope new bikepackers can learn from our mistakes and gain both some knowledge and confidence from this article.
Scroll down for more mistakes and tips on how to avoid them.
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Sometimes new bikerpackers want to know that their decision to carry a certain type of gear is the right one. They lack the confidence to rely on their own decision making process. If this is you, consider checking out our Bikepacker Surveys:
Not Enough Research –
My mistake wasn’t because of being naive but more based on hubris. I figured with all my thru-hiking knowledge I didn’t need to plan much. The result was I didn’t know all the options available to me along the route.
Tip –
Make a point to research the ACA maps or the Tour Divide Guides on this site. The more knowledge you have the more options you have. It also gives you the power to make better, more informed decisions, which could greatly effect the outcome of your ride.
Stopping Too Much –
As the TD was my first long distance bikepacking trip I stopped a lot in the beginning. This resulted in a lot of wasted time.
Tip –
If you’re going to stop, don’t just stop to take a picture. Stop, take the picture, go the bathroom, oil the chain, eat or whatever else you might stop for. I take more about efficiency in my post How to Save Time When Bikepacking.
Water Bladder –
I started the TD with a Platypus Big Zip LP. This bladder has a large plastic clip to make a seal. It didn’t fit well in my frame bag and as a result I had to not fill it completely to ensure it fit.
Tip –
On the CTR I switched to the Platypus Hoser which was the same size but without the plastic clip. It worked better but both the Big Zip and the Hoser are long and wide. For the AZTR I finally switch out to a MSR Dromelite 4L which was not only bigger but when full the shape was flatter and more pliable. This meant it fit better in my frame bag.
Unrealistic Mileage Goals –
Tip –
A tip would be to budget in an extra day– kind of a free day. If everything goes smoothly on the trip, this could just be extra time to rest or spend time in a cool place. I think having extra time takes a little of the pressure off. I always want extra time :).
Tire Pressure –
Messing with tire pressure; DON’T. In a fatigued state, late one night, I thought it’d be a really good idea to inflate my tires to 30lbs to help climb a series of passes I was dreading. Forgot to deflate for the descent and crashed pretty hard due to no-traction.
Tip –
Overpacking –
Tip –
Timing –
Tip –
The Project offers the best Planning aids / guides to help you plan and execute your ride. With our Planning Aids, you’ll have the most information to assist you with your planning and ride.
Checkout all our Planning Aids at our store. (Tour Divide, GDMBR, Arizona Trail, Colorado Trail, Kokopelli Trail, Coconino 250, and Bay Circuit Trail). Southbound and Northbound, as well as metric versions are available depending on the route.
Gear Testing –
I installed a bottle under my down tube with a strap. It broke less than half way through Day 1.
Tip –
Never add anything to your race/ride set up without thoroughly testing whether or not it’s going to work or no fail on you. It’s better to have something fail on a shake down ride then on your trip.
Navigation –
I knew that at the time the FarOut app didn’t have the exact race route but I got lazy when I went over Stony Pass and proceeded to go downhill 3 miles the wrong way. The result was a ton of extra climbing and I also got soaked by a thunderstorm and almost went hypothermic.
Tip –
Always, always check your map of GPS when you get to a turn or intersection. Don’t ever assume you know which way is the correct way. The amount of time it takes to double check will always be less than if you don’t and go the wrong way.
Shelter Option –
This isn’t really a mistake but if I did the CTR again I would probably just bring a bivy sack, rather than a tent as I did the first time.
Tip –
A bivy is much easier to set up, has much less bulk and weight and finding a spot to camp is much easier.
Chain Lube –
Running out of chain lube. I thought that a little bottle of dry lube would be fine. It was a pretty wet year, so that a little bottle didn’t last very long — and I ended up need to use lip balm for lube on the last day.
Tip –
Next time, I took a little larger bottle of traditional wet lube — and used on 1/2 of it.
Over Packing –
I Carried way to much stuff on the Colorado Trail I kind of knew it
Tip –
Allergies –
I found out on the trail I was really allergic to my sleeping bag. It kinda helped, cause I couldn’t sleep much without waking up in a coughing fit and needing to keep moving
Tip –
Misconceptions –
I thought the CTR was going to be easier than the Divide because it was shorter. I was wrong.
Tip –
You’ll want good hiking shoes for the CTR and expect to hike.
Tip –
Poor Gear Choices –
I carried a 12,000mah usb battery for CTR to charge my Garmin 1000. Previously, this has got me through 4 day races with LOADS of power to spare. For some bizarre reason, my pack ran low within two days! So I then had to start being very prudent with its use. Why did it run low so quickly? I am sure I charged it fully. Perhaps it behaved differently in the high temps of Colorado, in comparison to the Scottish Borders?!
Tip –
Anyways, lesson learned; for the sake of the weight, I would also recommend using an Etrex / having one as spare (I know many use the Etrex as their main GPS but I personally like the 1000 for the excellent nav features / big screen). As I did not know what to expect in Colorado, and as a Rookie, I went for the nav features of the 1000 but nav was very simple on CTR. It’s a different ball game on Highland Trail 550, where the nav can be very challenging! I will also carry a spare usb battery from now on – perhaps a 6,000mah. But you know how it is; power to weight! Both the 1000 and the Etrex have their advantages and disadvantages so it’s horses for courses!
Extra Tip –
Fueling –
Eat when you’re hungry: One of the first bikepacking trips we did, I kept waiting for the “right time” to stop and grab a snack. We were riding from Kenosha Pass over Georgia Pass into Breckenridge. We were planning on grabbing dinner in Breck before heading to camp at the base of French Pass. By the time we got to the bike path in Breck to head into town, I had totally bonked. There was a lady barely jogging going faster than me. I chowed down some peanut butter crackers, but it took what little energy I had left to make it to dinner. At that point, the dinner calories disappeared quickly as we rode the remaining distance to camp and I struggled to eat enough calories to feel back to normal in the morning.
Tip –
Don’t wait for the “right time” or the people you are with to stop for a snack. If you start thinking about food, you should eat something! For the long adventure ahead, a few minutes to fuel the fire will save you in the long run. And, don’t be afraid to bring more snacks than you need…your bike is already heavy!
Beware of Your Gear –
Be aware of your gear: I did a solo bikepack on segments 1-3 of the Colorado Trail and it was the first time I was carrying my SPOT tracking device. Usually, Joe, my husband and riding partner extraordinaire, takes the responsibility, so I was pretty excited to be on my own adventure with him watching my dot.
I thought it would be a good idea to strap the SPOT to my SeatPak so it got the best signal possible and wouldn’t be blocked by my body. I made it well into Segment 2, had stopped for lunch, kept my promise to hit the “OK” button whenever I stopped for a minute, and felt pretty awesome. I arrived at the Fire Station in Buffalo Creek and realized the SPOT was Crap. I remembered having it at my lunch stop, and luckily I could get cell service at the station, so I did the thing I didn’t want to do…I called Joe. I tried in vain to bring up the tracking website on my phone to get my bearings and see where it was pinging, but that website is the least friendly mobile site on the face of the planet, so I had to call in the big guns and have Joe go on our home computer and send me some intel.
After backtracking 5 miles, going painfully slow and looking off all around the trail, I finally got a screenshot from Joe that started to help. After 2 more miles of slow backtracking, there it was. Strapped to a tree. As I lifted it from the branches, I remembered vividly not securing the Velcro wrap on the device after my lunch break and it must have flown out through the downhill corner into the brush. Thank goodness for whoever found it and left it!
Tip –
Speed Training –
Tip –
I learned that just doing long slow stuff isn’t enough and taking 3 days completely off the bike and drinking lots of beer was not the best taper! If I’m really focused on the CTR I do more interval type stuff, do a few easy spin rides in the days leading up to the race start, or I take it easy the first day and let myself warm up and then crush it later in the race. On top of that, I’d also say that I learned that if you don’t give up, keep suffering and moving and you can make it.
I made the mistake of thinking that since it was October when I started it wouldn’t be both too hot or too cold for me. I was wrong on both accounts. I got heat stroke on Day 1 and was forced to take two days off.
Then north of the Mogollon Rim I froze my ass off (I also didn’t bring a sleeping bag but instead brought puffy pants and jacket). I didn’t sleep much as a result and this made the long days on the bike even harder.
Tip –
Be sure to research the average temperatures of the area you’re going to. Talk to others who have done the ride/race or that live in the area, they’ll know best. Assume the worst and prepare for that and you’ll be fine.
Wasted too much time wondering around store during resupply stops.
I felt rushed prior to the start of the race.
Tip –
Know exactly what you are getting beforehand.
Next time I would try to get there a couple days early if scheduling permitted.
Going from the car to the bike with no real transition made for a tough start to what would already be a tough race.
Tip –
Working off my first mistake, try getting there early and getting a couple rides in leading up to race start so transition isn’t as drastic.
Making Decisions When Tired/Mentally Down –
I decided to scratch too soon, while I was on the ropes.
Tip –
If possible, sleep on it. If you feel bad in the morning, then make the call, but don’t do it when you aren’t thinking clearly.
Pacing –
I overexerted myself on climbs.
Tip –
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Walk hills you’d otherwise power through on a normal ride. Conserve precious energy.
Navigation and Gear –
Let’s face it mistakes happen, but there are things we can do to minimize them from happening. Luckily for you most of the mistakes you’ll make as a new bikepacker have been already been made by others. This post’s goal is to share them with you so you can avoid them and learn from other’s mistakes.
The best thing anyone can do is to truly know themselves. Knowing what you want, how you deal with situations and how your effected by conditions is key to bikepacking. Not knowing oneself can lead to poor decisions that are based on bad information, leading to mistakes. The more you know about the trail you’re riding and yourself, the better your decisions will be.
Read these next or checkout the main resource page.
Gear lists from the AZT, TD and CTR; Pros & Cons; Things I’d do different; and Tips.
In depth look at what I would bring for gear and why, if I rode the Tour Divide, CTR, and AZTR again.