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PCT 2007 – Day 109 – Ridge with a view – Ah-Di-Na CG

Day 109 7-12-07 Tarp Tent 2400′
Mile past spot with a view – Ah-Di-Na Campground
30.5 miles; 1478.5 (55.7) total miles; 3339.5 trip miles
90, humid sunny

Deer count is 90
Marmot count is 51
Bear count is 5
Rattlesnake count is 4
Pika count is 2

I slept well despite the fact my head was too low. My spot was lumpy too, but I woke up refreshed, which is always good. I got up around 5:30 and was hiking before 6. It was chilly for once, which was nice. I had my jacket and hat on. My shoes and socks were still soaked from last night, so I had the pleasure of putting them on first thing. The trail was damp, so they just got wet again. I found water just before Bartle Gap. I filled my bottle even though I had enough to get to the springs at Moosehead Creek’s headwaters. Sure enough, I hadn’t touched that water by the time I got to Moosehead. I dumped it because it had floaters in it. I then filled up with clear coldwater. I had to carry enough for 10+ miles again, since there was no water for a while. After a moderate climb, I came to a rocky point that had an incredible view of Mt. Shasta. It was a beautiful sight. Mt. Shasta still had a cloud cap above its cone that was just disappearing as I got there.

Mt. Shasta

Walking the edge.

I would traverse along a ridge in the woods until I got within view of Grizzly Peak. Once in view, I walked mostly on the open and in and out of gullies. I crossed Road 38N10 twice and then Grizzly Peak Road just before Pigeon Hill. After crossing Grizzly Peak Road once more, I started a long traverse of the peak itself. It was almost noon and getting hot. I decided to have lunch at the South Ridge of Grizzly Peak Lookout road. I enjoyed a cool lunch in the shade of a fir tree. I only took a 45 minute break and moved on by 1 PM. From this point, it was all downhill on paper but there managed to be some small climbs thrown in there.

Sunrise on Shasta.

Shasta in the morning glow.

I got water at a side canyon, which dumped into Deer Creek and that would last me until Fitzhugh Gulch Creek 10 miles later. The downhill started to drag on me. I passed Butcherknife Creek and Dry Doodlebug Gulch and finally reached the bottom, McCloud-Big Bend Road. I hung out at the road and figured out that I had done 27.5 miles by 4:45 pm. I kinda hoped a car would come by and give me some trail magic but no one did. I moved on and in Ash Camp, just below the road, was a truck. The horn just sounded so they just arrived. I found a fisherman headed to the river. We talked fishing on the bridge then I moved on. I climbed a bit and reached Fitzhugh Gulch Creek where I got water but held onto the idea that I might go to CG just up the way. If it had showers and a phone, I was going.

My shoes' view of the PCT.

Swimming anyone?

I got to the road and decided to crunch the numbers and as I did a truck came from the CG. It was a father and son going to McCloud, Gavin and Kevin. I inquired about the CG and it didn’t have either a shower or phone. They offered to take me to McCloud to use a phone there; but, I’ve had enough towns for a while. They offered to get me anything from town if I was going to still be at the road crossing when they got back. I said sure, a Coke would be nice. Kevin said no problem. It was me who would have the problem. Once I began to cook, it became clear the mosquitoes were going to be bad. I cooked and fought them off, finally putting on my jacket and pant legs. I planned for them to be back by 7:30 and to do 3 more miles making tomorrow a 24 instead of 27. There are two big climbs tomorrow. After dinner was done, I walked in circles while writing this. The bugs would not leave me alone. It’s now 7:52 and I just hear their truck now. I will stay at the CG and use the sinks to wash up.

Scatman 2011- Most of this day I dreamed about a campground with showers and a phone.  I knew deep inside that this campground was in the middle of nowhere and wasn’t going to have shit.  Knowing this I still let myself believe it might.  It made the miles go by faster.  Little good that did me since I sat around for 2 hours waiting for all things a Coke.  But damn, did it taste delicious when I finally tilted it back!  Gavin and Kevin were gracious hosts and gave me extra food and beer.  By the time I went to bed I didn’t care about the lack of showers or a phone.  They were just motivators like dreaming of pizza or ice cream to help pass the time.



Get out there!

Powered by adventure, fueled by Feed the Machine, Hydrated by nuun, and built for life like Stanley.


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