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PCT 2007 – Day 156 – Glacier Pass – Spring

Day 156 8-28-07 Tarp Tent 6200′
Glacier Pass – Spring & a good campsite
25.5 miles; 2640.5 (80.86) total miles; 4486.6 trip miles
60-70’s, sun
Days camped alone 32

2007 PCT Critter Tour General Category
1- Marmot count is 164
2- Deer count is 135
3- Pika count is 76
4- Elk count is 65
5- Goat count is 21
6- Slug count is 17
7- Bear count is 7
8- Rattlesnake count is 6
9- Martin count is 1
10- Badger count is 1

Last night was weird to say the least. Just before 1 AM Tracy started having terrible nightmares. She let out some blood curling moans and screams. She even was talking in her sleep. Terri woke up right away just like me and tried to wake her. Once she did everything was okay for about 20 minutes and Tracy started again. At one point Terri thought she had her awake but then Tracy started up again in the middle of talking to her. She stopped after the second time but it was freaky to say the least.

I got up at a quarter to six and surprisingly felt refreshed after a wild night. I climbed right away to Alpine-garden pass, which is above the South Fork of the Trout Creek. The views were great and right away I could tell today was going to be a day with a lot of traversing and views. I descend down then around another peak and came across what my data book called a pleasant trailside campsite with water. There were three guys there and I inquired about the water situation. My book said it was 21.9 miles to the next water. They heard there was water in 16 so they had filled up there. After they left and I got my own water, a lady came up from below and gave me the scoop on the water. With her info I dumped some of my water and headed north.

As it turned out there was plenty of water over the next 20 miles. I traversed around a bowl and ran into two ladies and their Cattle dog, Alex. Next I passed a family of three on the same traverse. After the traverse, I came to a sign saying the border was only 40 miles away, though I knew it was closer. It was still cool to see it in print though.
I traversed around another peak and soon reached Harts Pass. I stopped to sign the register and the ranger came out to say hello. From the pass I had a short climb but it had a little bite to it. I caught the three guys from earlier on the climb.

I passed a family of 4 on the way to Buffalo Pass. The views along this stretch of trail were awesome. I could see for miles. At one point I think I saw Mt. Baker. When I got to Buffalo Pass, I had two guys pass me going south and they confirmed more water locations. Just after the pass, I stopped to treat the water I had. It was almost lunch time and I didn’t want to have to wait when I stopped. I took out my solar panel and set it up while I treated the water. About a mile later on the other side of the next pass, Windy Pass, I was listening to my Zune and it hit me I never picked up the solar panel.
I turned around and left Bessy in the shade at Windy Pass and double timed it back to get the solar panel. It was then back to Windy Pass, where I had lunch. The 3 guys from before came by me while eating lunch.

After lunch I packed “everything” up and headed to Foggy Pass. I had two ladies pass me going south and then I caught the 3 guys again. We stopped to chat at Jim Pass. It turns out they live in Seattle not far from where I used to live. Aaron, one of the three, kept pace with me when we all got going again and we chatted about climbing in the NW. I mentioned Gordy and he had heard of him. Sometimes I forget that Gordy is well known for his climbing accomplishments. Aaron and I reached Devils Backbone and descended towards Shaw Creek. Aaron decided to stop before the creek and wait for his buddies and I went on. They ended up hearing the water and showed up shortly after me.

I left Aaron at the creek and headed to Holman Pass. The book said it was all downhill but I climbed for about a mile after the creek. Finally I hit the switchbacks that brought me to the pass. I stopped to drink some water and lighten my load and also put on my headphone. This was the last climb of any length in the whole trip.

I busted out a quick pace and soon found myself in alpine meadows and at camp. There was a couple off to the right in the open field and another couple camped near where I decided to stay. I set up camp, got water, collected wood, and cooked dinner. After dinner I enjoyed one last camp fire on my last night. I sat and watched the flames as I thought about all the places, people and things I saw in the 2640 miles. The little time I sat by the fire didn’t do the memories justice. I look forward to sitting down and looking at every single picture I took. I’m sure I’ll shed a tear or two.

Tomorrow is it, Day 125 and my last 14.9 miles of the PCT. I welcome it and fear it, at the same time. I really don’t know what is going to be next, in the sense of what I’m doing after the trail. I have the opportunity to do anything. so we’ll see….



Get out there!

Powered by adventure, supported by Superfeet, fueled by Feed the Machine, Hydrated by nuun.

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