PCT 2007 Day 29

Stage 29 / 4-23-07
Redondo Beach – Onofre State Beach
74.57 miles; 1708.35 total miles; 12.4 mph avg.; 5:58 hours
70, sunny

Late last night I went to use the spa at the hotel. I could have sworn the lady getting out was naked. I was outside the spa, which was housed in its own room. Just as I made the corner, I saw her stepping out and I thought it was a guy since she had no top on. The thing is I don’t recall any bottoms; then as I entered, “she” was leaving.

I got up at 7 since I was supposed to be doing a shorter day. (Little did I know it would be 74 miles). I wasn’t on the road until 8:30 or so.

I first had to take surface streets through Torrance, Carson and into Long Beach. I have to say the last few days have been so much the opposite of the first weeks and what I came on this for. In Carson, just before I reached the LA River, I passed a oil refinery and god knows what else. It was a whole lot of metal towers and ugliness.

It was interesting to see the LA River. It goes from a foot deep and lots of birds and slowly it gets deeper and there are trees and shrubs, then a full river when it gets to Long Beach.

In Long Beach along the river I saw two homeless kitties. They were enjoying the sun among the rocks. They were very cute but also skinny. I felt bad for them. I wanted to take them with me so we could be homeless together.

Most of the next 10 miles was on boardwalks like in LA. It was nice not to be worrying about cars. I did pay the price since now I can tell I needed more suntan lotion.

Newport and Laguna Beach were quite the places. I saw quite a few beach goers for a Monday in Laguna. I looked for ice cream but I didn’t find any on my route through town.

I was feeling tired as I had to take back road after back road through San Clemente. It was all stop signs which kept breaking my rhythm and momentum. I think I hadn’t drunk enough water during the day.

When I finally got to the CG I saw the sign before the couple at the gate opened the door, “NO CAMPING, closed until May 15th”. I was crushed! It was 6 miles back the way I had come or 20 miles further south to the next CG. They suggested I find the rangers, since they had let a bike tourist stay at the CG before when it was closed. I went another mile through the CG and couldn’t find them. While talking to my dad, they came by. I flagged them down and asked if they could help me. They said no problem and gave me two options within the park I could stay at. I thanked them and it was off to camp. I took a cold shower using the surfer showers and then it was time to eat. I had a great sunset to finish off the day.

I can’t believe I only have two days left of riding then I start hiking. I’m looking forward to hiking but I also know it is going to be harder physically and it will mean new body aches. I can’t wait to be heading north again. I’m also looking forward to seeing my parents.

Scatman 2011- The city riding and back streets were such a drag.  After being on roads like Rt. 1 and 101 where I just rode for miles and miles stopping every few tenths of a mile at stop signs, lights or just looking at my map got old fast.  It was a hot day too and quite hilly.

I totally dodged a bullet with the campsite.  I had visions of my experiences in Bodega Bay and Eureka.  When you’re ready to be down you’re down.  Trying to change gears mentally to start going again is so hard.  That’s why I prefer relentless forward motion.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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