Appalachian Trail Day 9 – Blueberry Patch – Muskrat Creek Shelter
Appalachian Trail Day 9
03-08-01 Day 9
11.6 miles, AT - 78.4
Blueberry Patch - Muskrat Creek Shelter
I tried to sleep on the straw beds at the Patch but it was too lumpy. I moved to an actual mattress. I slept like a baby. …

Appalachian Trail Day 8 – Addis Gap – Blueberry Patch
Appalachian Trail Day 8
03-07-01 -Day 8 6:15 PM Wed.
6.4 miles, AT - 67.9
Addis Gap - Blueberry Patch Hostel
Cold 20º in the AM, warmed up by 12 PM.
Last night we tented. It was a good sleep. Warmer than…

Appalachian Trail Day 7 – Blue Mtn. – Addis Gap
Appalachian Trail Day 7
03-06-01 Day 6 4:40 PM
13.0 miles, AT - 61.5
Blue Mtn. Shelter - Addis Gap
Last night was cold as shit! We did have the fire but by 2-3AM it was below 20 and the wind was blowing hard. The…

Appalachian Trail Day 6 – Low Gap Shelter – Blue Mtn. Shelter
Appalachian Trail Day 6
03-05-01 Day 5 3:10 PM
7.8 miles, AT - 48.5
Low Gap Shelter - Blue Mtn. Shelter
Cold, Windy, Clear
Last night it was all men. The jokes and language went downhill fast. Tom, a thru-hiker from…

Appalachian Trail Day 5 – Woods Hole – Low Gap
Appalachian Trail Day 5
03-04-01 Day 5
14.7 miles, AT - 41.3
Woods Hole Shelter - Low Gap Shelter
Day 3 of rainHit the trail at 7:45 AM and did my first 4000 foot (Blood Mountain). I got to Neels Gap at 10:20 AM. I didn't…

Appalachian Trail Day 4 – Gooch Gap to Woods Hole
Appalachian Trail Day 4
03-03-01 Day 4 - 3:47 PM
10.5 miles, AT - 26.6 .5 miles to shelter
Gooch Gap - Woods Hole
Day 2 of rain
Slept okay last night but not great. Got up around 6:50 AM, was on trail by 7:50. Today…

Appalachian Trail Day 3 – Hawk Mtn – Gooch Gap
Appalachian Trail Day 3
03-02-01 Day 3 4:45 PM
8.5 miles, AT 16.1 .2 miles to Shelter
Hawk Mtn. - Gooch Gap Shelter
Day 1 of rain
Today was marked my longest hike ever. It was the toughest day too. Two people called it…

Appalachian Trail Day 2 – Springer Mtn – Hawk Mtn
Appalachian Trail Day 2
03-01-01 Day 2 2:01 PM
7.6 miles, AT - 7.6 .2 to Shelter
Springer Mtn Shelter Hawk Mtn.
After I wrote yesterday, I saw some White Breasted Nuthatches and Chickadees. Bedtime was 7 PM. I didn't…

Appalachian Trail Day 1 – Amicalola State Park to Springer Mtn.
Appalachian Trail Day 1
10 years ago today I flew from Boston to Atlanta, GA to start my Appalachian Trail thru-hike. It would be the first step towards completing a 15 year long dream. I first climbed Mt. Katahdin, which is the northern…