Day 158 8-30-07 Motel 3800′
Manning Park, BC
0 miles 2663.5 (88.96) total miles 4509.6 trip miles
60-70’s, sun
Days camped alone 32
Zero Day #?

2007 PCT Critter Tour General Category
1- Marmot count is 170
2- Deer count is 135
3- Pika count is 83
4- Elk count is 65
5- Goat count is 21
6- Slug count is 17
7- Bear count is 7
8- Rattlesnake count is 6
9- Martin count is 1
10- Badger count is 1

Today was my first day off since Etna, CA. I slept in until around 7:30 AM. My Mom, Dad, and I went over to have breakfast. While lying in bed I said I wanted French Toast and sure enough it was one of four choices. As we ate I met Hermes, a thru-hiker, who started May 18th. He did the trail in 104 days. Hermes was having breakfast with Alan who was the second to last person I saw on the PCT before finishing.

After breakfast we went back to the room and then it was time to put the bike back together. Assembling the bike and trailer went smoothly except for at one point it appeared we lost one of the safety pins that ensure that the trailer doesn’t bounce off it’s mount. Once we had the bike together, my Mom and I did laundry and seam sealed my tent. I walk 2650 miles, never seal my tent, get leaked on multiple times and with 4 days left I seal it. Brilliant!

We went for lunch and then afterwards my Dad and I figured out my route home. We went outside since being inside the hotel room was too stuffy for me and I wrote the directions in the way I like them. I did some email then played cribbage with my Dad. I beat him for once! It was super windy out, so playing cards was tricky. We had company while we all sat at the picnic table. We had a small bird that looked like a cowbird and then we had a couple of huge ravens come by. We finished up and headed inside for a bit before going to dinner.

We met a section hiker named Sundance who started at Donner Summit in CA. He had just finished and was going to take a shower. We invited him to join us for dinner when he was done. We went to dinner and Sundance joined us shortly after. Our waitress, Stephanie, plans to hike the PCT soon so we chatted her ear off all during our meal. My Mom told her I would come by after to show her some pictures. We skipped dessert in the diner so we could get some ice cream bars from the store next door. We ate our ice cream and said goodbye to Sundance.

Back at the room,we just watched TV and then I went over to show Stephanie my photos.



Get out there!

Powered by adventure, supported by Superfeet, fueled by Feed the Machine, Hydrated by nuun.

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