PCT 2007 Day 69

Day 69 / 6-2-07 Cowboy Camp Zero day #6
Kennedy Meadows General Store
0 miles; 702.8 (13.5) total miles; 2779 trip miles
High 70’s; partly cloudy

I slept great last night after having two beers and staying up later than usual. I woke up after 7 am. The little ants were already upon me by that time. I waited around on the porch of the general store until it opened and I got a chocolate muffin, apple juice, and a ring ding for breakfast. Once the suns up, the place really comes alive. Hikers were everywhere and the drinking starts right away. The locals come to the store as well as the hikers to hangout, drink, and smoke. They all drive trucks and two even rode their horses here. It’s a great combination of hiker color and local color.

After hanging out, I went to the internet café just down the street from the store. My computer I use had a broken “M” key, left CTRL key, left arrow key, and the space bar didn’t work. I did manage to get everything I needed done; so it was all good.

I had myself another double cheeseburger with bacon for lunch. It was so good and was gone in less than 5 minutes. I tired my best to eat as many calories as I could today. My weight is my biggest concern out here. I believe that if I carry enough calories so I don’t lose weight, the weight carried will be enough I would still lose weight. It’s basically a catch 22.

Tonight is movie night and a potluck dinner. I need to go get in line. For dinner I had roast beef, salad, a roll, potatoes, meatball, chips & salsa, and for desert I had ice cream, chocolate cake, and brownies. (I went back for seconds on the cake and ice cream).

There’s a lot less hikers here tonight; but still around 12 or so. It should be quieter tonight as a result.

Scatman 2011- The “internet cafe” was an old tow behind mobil trailer.  An Air Stream I think.  It had 3 or 4 computers and really slow internet.  Not your typical Starbucks, that’s for sure. My dad was spent eating, talking, and drinking.  There’s not much else to do there.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

2 replies
  1. Craig Stanton
    Craig Stanton says:

    Did you hear some jerk stole the money box from the internet cafe? Some people, myself included, were so pissed that a hiker would do that to someone clearly helping us out. I never found out who it was, good thing too because I’d seriously hate them.

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