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PCT 2007 Day 92 – Carson Pass – Echo Lake

PCT 2007 Day 92

Day 92 / 6-25-07 Tarp Tent 8590′
Carson Pass – Echo Lake
15.8 miles; 1094.5 (48.4) total miles; 2949.0 trip miles
70’s, sunny, some wind

Deer count is 62
Marmot count is 47
Pika count is 2
Bear count is 1

I had to put my tent up because the same mouse from earlier was running around me. I slept great despite the cars and semis (semi trailers) jake braking. I woke up around 5:30 but went back to sleep until around 6:45 since I knew at this point I was in front. I packed up and moved to the front of the cabin. I had breakfast and started to make some calls. Not long after Backtrack came around the corner and scared the crap out of me. They had only camped a mile or so back from me. We all hung out and soon the two guys working the rest stop cabin came and offered us grapes, oranges, cookies and bars. They opened the cabin and we were able to sign the register. We hung out and Thirsty Boots showed up. We finally left some time after 8 am.

We had a short climb to a long meadow. As we got to the meadow, the smoke from the fire started moving into our area. We passed two nice looking cabins and shortly crossed the Upper Truckee River. At Shower Lake we saw three weekenders. Then we lost the trail briefly as it descended from the lake. The descent was pretty steep. At one point there was a great hiding place between two rocks so I hid and Silver sat on the trail waiting for Backtrack who stopped to use the bathroom. When he came by, I jumped out and scared the crap out of him. We passed through Bryan Meadow and then had to climb, even though the data book said we were to go down to Benwood Meadow. We had lunch at the meadow since we decided we couldn’t make the store in Echo Lake before it closed.

We made it in no time to Highway 50 after lunch. Once to the road, we hitched to Meyers with a couple who were headed back to retrieve more stuff from their house before they weren’t allow into it. She was pregnant and we felt bad we were keeping them from saving their stuff. (This was the forest fire at South Tahoe Lake that has been all over the news.) They dropped us off right at the market which was a really nice market. I got fuel next door at the lumber yard. We all bought snacks at the store and while outside I met a guy named Andy and his girl, Megan. Andy works at Crank Brothers, the markers of my pedals on my bike.

Scatman 2011- It was really weird to be hiking towards a fire all day.  Most of your brain says to go the other way but the drive of being a thru-hiker and the need to continually move north or south to the other end of the trail is stronger.  Plus no one told us the PCT was closed or that we couldn’t get through.  We didn’t see many people throughout the day.  The people who gave us a ride and those working at the grocery store were surprisingly calm given that their homes could have burning up as they helped us.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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