Tag Archive for: backpacking

Appalachian Trail Day 30 – Hogback Shelter – No Business Knob Shelter
Appalachian Trail Day 30
03-29-01, Day 30, 6:55 AM ® 3:30 PM
20.6 miles, AT - 334.4
Day 7 of Rain
Hog Back Ridge - No Business Knob Shelter
Rain, cold, wind. No views.
My first 20 miler!!! Today was good except…

Appalachian Trail Day 29 – Jerry’s Cabin – Hogback Ridge
Appalachian Trail Day 29
03-28-01, Day 29
14.6 miles, AT - 311.8
Jerry Cabin - Hogback Ridge - 4,255 feet
7:55 AM ® 2:50 PM
Today was a tough ass day. Shorter than yesterday but a lot harder. Tough P.U.D.S. …

Appalachian Trail Day 28 – Spring Mountain – Jerry’s Cabin
Appalachian Trail Day 28
003-27-01 Day 28
15.3 miles, AT 287.2
7:45 AM ® 2:15 PM
Spring Mountain - Jerry Cabin Shelter
Cold morning, Cold Day 4,150 feet
Woke up cold today. Ate like a champ! The appetite is there. Todays…

Appalachian Trail Day 27 – Hot Springs – Spring Mountain
Appalachian Trail Day 27
03-26-01 Day 27
11.6 miles, AT 281.1
Hot Springs - Spring Mountain
10:30 - 2:15 PM 3,300 Feet
I had a great breakfast at Elmers. Hit the post office and sent some stuff back. The pack weighed…

Appalachian Trail Day 26 – Hot Springs, NC
Appalachian Trail Day 26
03-25-01 Day 26
0 Miles, Zero Day 3
Hot Springs
In Hot Springs waiting for the mail. I bought food and a new journal and a conversion kit for my MSR water bag to make it a camel back. Less weight to…

Appalachian Trail Day 25 – Roaring Fork Shelter – Hot Springs, NC
Appalachian Trail Day 25
03-24-01 Day 25 7:45 am -
13.5 miles, 269.5 AT miles
Roaring Fork - Hot Springs
50-60°, Sunny/partly cloudy
Snow for half of the day then actual soil.
Got up early today and hit the trail at 7:45…

Appalachian Trail Day 24 – Groundhog – Roaring Fork Shelter
Appalachian Trail Day 24
03-23-01 Day 24 7:00 AM to 1:20 PM
11.3 miles, AT - 256.0
Groundhog - Roaring Fork Shelter
Sunny 60°, Crusty snow in AM, mush in PM
Got up early to beat the mushy snow and I think the frozen…

Appalachian Trail Day 23 – Davenport Gap – Groundhog Shelter
Appalachian Trail Day 23
03-22-01 Day 23
9.6 miles, AT - 244.7
Davenport Gap - Groundhog Shelter
60° - Sunny
Today I got up had some Frosted Flakes and toast. I showered, packed and left for the trail. The ride…

Appalachian Trail Day 22 – Maryville Tennessee
Appalachian Trail Day 22
03-21-01 Day 22
0 miles, 235.1 AT Miles
Maryville, Tennessee
Zero Day #2
Today I hung out at Aunt Ruths house. I read, bird watched, went shopping for food, clothes, and other stuff. I…

Appalachian Trail Day 21 – Tri Corner Knob – Davenport Gap
Appalachian Trail Day 21
03-20-01 Day 21, 7:30 AM 1:20 PM
15.7 miles, AT - 235.1
Tri-corner - Davenport Gap
Day 6 of rain
Snow, wind (strong), rain and sleet.
Last night we had a noisy bunch at the shelter.