PCT 2007 Day 66

Day 66 / 5-30-07 Cowboy Camp 6580′
Walker Pass Trailhead CG – Fox Mill Spring
32.2 miles; 683.6 total miles (12.8); 2759.1 trip miles
80’s; hot

Let me say I don’t like the heat. I pray the Sierras are cooler. Though from the report a southbound section hiker gave us, it sounds like there is almost no snow in the Sierras. I have noticed I hike about a whole mph slower when it’s really hot. It’s not just tough on your body heat wise but on your feet as well. The ground just bakes all day and it is super hot.

I have the same reddish purple spots on my feet I did on the AT in Vermont. My socks are so filled with bacteria that they are irritating my feet. It spread really bad today. I can’t wait to get to Kennedy Meadows so I can just wear my Crocs for two days and let the feet air out. I’m thinking of washing my shoes out when I shower. They’re going to get wet at every river crossing in the Sierras anyways. I also got another blister right next to the one on the inside of my left heel. It doesn’t hurt too much but it just a pain to deal with.

Today we had a 4.1 mile climb out of the gate. I felt good since it was still cool. We descended some, then climbed another 2 miles. It was beautiful terrain and the views were great. We descended to Joshua Tree Spring but didn’t get water. We had lunch there and were attacked by ants once again.

We left there and climbed again only to descend to a creek that was a trickle and then 3+ more miles of hot, hot climbing. We met Stretch at the creek and again later when we stopped to cook.

We then had to descend about 5 miles which took its toll on my left shin. It was hurting by the time we got to camp. We crossed a dirt road and it was a short 2.3 miles uphill to Fox Mill Spring. At the road we had to put on our head lamps to be able to see the trail since it was getting dark.

By doing the extra miles today, we’re only left with 19 to go to Kennedy Meadows and the end of the desert. As I said before I can’t wait. My shirt can only be described as tie-dyed, the two colors being orange and white. The white color is salt I have sweated out. I’m not kidding myself that the Sierras will be all that cooler, but I hope so.

I saw 3 deer, horny toad, lots of bunnies today. Most of the rabbits are cottontails but some are the large Jackalopes (spelling ?) (jack rabbit). They are so big and their ears are huge. There are very odd but cute at the same time.

Scatman 2011- My excitement for the Sierra over powered everything today.  The day was still hard but the terrain had already started to change some and the views were great in the early part of the day.  Plus after yesterday’s death march climb today was much easier, though still painful.  It was also the first time in a while I used a headlamp and hiked in the dark.  It’s amazing how powerful the motivation to get to a town or certain checkpoint on the trail can really light a fire under your ass.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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