PCT 2007 Day 77

Day 77 / 6-10-07 Hotel Zero day #7
Independence, CA
0 miles; 789.5 (38.1)miles; total trip miles 2660.8
90’s, Sunny, clouds in PM

Today we slept in. It was pretty hot in the hotel room when we went to sleep but really chilly in the AM. I had at least 3 donuts for breakfast! We simply did logistics all morning then Ed and I went to Subway for the second time. Next we went to the market and shopped for food. I didn’t get everything I wanted so I had to go to the gas station across the street.

Supplying was tougher than I was lead to believe it would be. I have my folks sending food to the next 4 places so that should make things easier.

Later in the day UB got picked up by her cousin so it’s now just Ed, Wounded Knee and I. We went to a small café (Still Life Cafe) here in town and I had a great cheeseburger and shoe string fries.

Now we’re just hanging out and getting ready to leave tomorrow. I can’t wait to get back in the woods but I’m also not looking forward to the 5 miles climb with 6 days of food.

We stayed up till almost 11 PM for the second night in a row. Not much else went on but some logistics and eating of food.

Scatman 2011- I did go to the library to send emails.  Thanks to the Gates Foundation, the little town of Independence had computers in their library.  The clothes I asked the nice couple on top of Mt. Whitney to send would be coming in the next day.  I worried all day they might not arrive.  The hotel had a grill and we had ourselves a little BBQ.  I can’t say I’ve done that much on the trail.



Get out there!

You can check out my Appalachian Trail or Continental Divide Trail journals too!

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