5/30/15, Day 36

Riverton to Small Knoll, 7262′

Tent – Nights Spent Alone: 7

15.7, 635.9 Trip Miles

Mostly Sunny – Breezy

Day’s of Snow: 7 – Day’s of Rain: 11

# of Zero days: 5

Gila Crossings Final Total: 221

Critter Count

34 Pronghorn

8 deer

1 Marmot

1 Chipmunk

1 Rabbit

1 Ground Squirrel

1 Snake

199 Pronghorn*

119 Lizards

48 Elk

31 Chipmunks

27 Deer**

22 Cotton Tail Rabbits

20 Squirrels

10 Jack Rabbit***

9 Horny Roads

9 Ground Squirrel

6 Snakes

3 Coyotes

2 Toads

1 Mouse

1 Skunk

1 Rattle Snake

1 Marmot****
*174 from car, **6 from car, ***1 from car, ****1 from car

I slept well despite the highway noise and lights. The sun was up before 5 am but we didn’t stir until around 6 am.

We made our way back to the gas station/ casino across the street. After getting some junk food for breakfast it was back to try hitching to South Pass. We tried for maybe 20+ minutes until when I went to throw some trash a guy yelled from the pumps asking where I was headed. He ended up giving us a ride to Lander.

South Pass City

Main Street (only street) South Pass City

We hitched again in Lander for about 30 minutes until a woman named Patricia picked us up. She lives in Atlantic City which is right next to South Pass. South Pass City is a Historical site more than a town. It’s been restored and inside the builds they have made them look like they did back in the day. Everything is behind glass.

We had to wait around until noon to wait for the mail. I got my box but Rafiki’s did not come. While we waited we took naps. I think during said nap I picked up my second Tick. If you know me I hate them. The first one was in Durango. This one was so bold he planted himself right near my Wedding Tackle. Way to close for my liking. NASTY!

Great Basin

Green forever

The day started with some damn steep hills that hurt. We were feeling the 4 days off. Eventually it mellowed out. We ended up walking through shin high sage for hours. There was dirt roads too. It will be like this for at least 4 more days.

The views are amazing but they don’t change very fast so it gets boring very fast. A few new birds were added today: Rock Wren, Green-tailed Towhee, Horned Lark and Sandhill Crane. The first three were new to me. If you’ve never heard a Sandhill Crane look them up and have a listen. Their very interesting birds and make weird noises. We can still hear them now.

Overall it feels great to be hiking again. Though I’m very tired and have a lot on my mind. It was a day of mixed emotions of highs and lows; confusion and clarity; and testing at times. No worries, I’m not quitting! This Triple Crown will be mine. I’ll cherish it for years to come. I just have to find some peace for some feelings I have.

Pony Express

Pony Express/Oregon Trail

11:06 pm We had to pack up our gear and move off the knoll we were on. The wind picked up and was pounding us. We fortified ourselves with rocks but it wasn’t enough. The wind wasn’t going to be stopped. We moved just past the knoll to a small valley. There will be dew in the morning but at least it’s quiet and has very little to no wind.

This was one of those days where you literally end up so far from where you woke up it hits you at the end of the day, and you think, “Damn!  Breakfast/last night’s camp was so long/far ago!”  It’s a crazy feeling to travel on foot and amaze yourself at how far those feet can take you.  (in this case there was two cars involved but you get my point)

South Pass City was an amazing view into the past and how the settlers lived.  You really got a sense of how important the mines or railroad was to these fledgling town’s were.  Once a mine closed or the railroad stopped coming through there was little to keep the people of these towns from leaving.

Back to Day 35, Forward to Day 37

Get out there!

Brand Ambassador for: Outdoor Research, SuperFeet, Ibex, Julbo, Petzl, Dude Wipes, Platypus, ClifBar and Aqua Mira

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