
Bikepacking is one of The Project’s main focuses. It’s our goal to supply the best resources, guides, gear lists, data sheets, town lists, and more to help others realize and follow their passion. The following page is broken down into sections highlighting The Project’s main categories.

You’ll also find links to our numerous detailed resources, which will help you plan and execute your next trip, learn key technics and tips to help your experience be the best it can, and more. Keep reading to learn more.

Bikepacking 101

What is Bikepacking? It’s loosely define as backpacking with a bicycle. In reality it’s so much more. It’s exploring, racing, seeing new places, meeting others to name a few.

The Project’s Bikepacking 101 section breaks down bikepacking to it’s core and helps those new to the sport understand what it is, what gear is best, and how to plan. Click the photo below to learn more!


Originally I was a thru-hiker where one had numerous options when it came to guides. As a result the need for detailed bikepacking guides to help plan and execute adventures was pretty clear. Our guides are meant to accompany one’s own research and help make planning easier.

Gear Lists

Gear Lists are different for everyone and never the same. As a result The Project’s Gear Lists are created with “Pros and Cons”, “What Worked and Didn’t Work”, and “What We’d Do Next Time” sections to help others in determining which gear their own list should have.

If I Rode the…Again Series

The If I Rode the…Again Series series is a collection of gear lists showing what I would bring for gear if I rode a trail again. I show what gear I used last time, what I would bring next time, and I explain why. I also give insight into my mindset for each trail and how that effects my gear decisions.

Links to “If I Rode the…Again Series” Series:*

  Arizona Trail Race, Colorado Trail Race, Kokopelli Trail, Tour Divide, Bay Circuit Trail

*The “If I Rode the…Again Series” series are a collection of gear lists that show what I would take if I went back and rode a trail again.

Planning Aids

The Project’s Data Sheets, Town Lists, Mileage and Elevation Gain Charts were created to be used while on the bike. Only the most important information is included. Used in combination with our Guides and Resources, and you have four powerful tools to help you succeed.

Checkout all our Planning Aids at our store. (Tour Divide, GDMBR, AZTR, CTR, Kokopelli Trail, TNGA, Coconino 250, and Bay Circuit Trail). SOBO & NOBO, as well as metric versions are available depending on the route.


Taking a page from thru-hikers The Project surveyed former bikepackers of the Arizona Trail Race, Tour Divide, and Colorado Trail Race to find out what everyone uses. You’ll find everything from water capacity to drivetrains used to tire/wheel selections.

Curios to know what gear other riders used to get to the finish line? Checkout our Rider Surveys to find out what works or to take the survey yourself.


Here at The Project, we’re all about keeping our adventures alive. We keep journals for all of our numerous rides, tours, and adventures. Resulting in hours of reading and hopefully entertainment. If you want to know what life is like on the bike, or simply want to get inside the head of a long distance cyclist, here’s your chance.

What’s new!

TNGA SOBO Data Sheet Planning Aid cover featuring essential data for southbound bikepacking on the Trans North Georgia Adventure route